White Nationalist Terrorism Only Ends When We End It.

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
It's the demographic shift that is driving poorly educated whitey t christian to terrorism

Just once, I made the mistake of confirming that yes, I am Jewish, and asking why the commenter wanted to know.

His response to me was chilling: “Because you think multiculturalism is a good thing. Jews are always trying to replace white people with trash from somewhere else.”

I have since learned that my charming social media correspondent was parroting a racist, right-wing ideology known as “replacement theory.” It asserts that falling birthrates among white women combined with immigration will lead to the eventual replacement of the white race with people of color. It’s also called “white genocide.”

And just this weekend, the man who murdered 21 people in an El Paso, TX shopping mall referenced replacement theory, writing in his manifesto that he was defending his country “from cultural and ethnic replacement” brought on by a supposed “Hispanic invasion.” He then expanded upon his thinking, calling for segregating the country into ethnostates to prevent race mixing and writing that “2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics form interracial unions at much higher rates than average. Yet another reason to send them back.”

This bit especially jumped out at me, as a third generation American Latina, born of an interracial marriage between a Latina mother and a Jewish father. I’m the classic American mixed kid story, which makes me their worst nightmare and their ideology a threat to my existence.

This belief system is not rare, nor is it coming from the fringes. Just last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress that the majority of domestic terrorism cases the Bureau is currently tracking are motivated by white nationalism, and much of the El Paso shooter’s rhetoric mirrors talking points that the current President of the United States has either uttered or signal boosted on his Twitter account.

There is nothing to end. It only exists in the imaginations of leftists

Like Santa Claus
The Easter bunny
And global warming
the stupid base of the republican party that is SOOOO easy for this sociopathic cabal to have dicktasters control everything cn be woken up

Most of them are just too supid to see the CON

Fox has to be OUTED or killed outright for them to turn on this evil march to hate.

THEY ARE JUST TOO STUPID to think it through

without a TV station vomiting out Trumpism daily his gig will fail very quickly

No hannitties means no trump

Once they leave Trumpism they will just pretend they never supported him

they will claim they never vote OR that they used to vote for Democratic members

in the years to come only proud boys will admit to have supported trump
the stupid base of the republican party that is SOOOO easy for this sociopathic cabal to have dicktasters control everything cn be woken up

Most of them are just too supid to see the CON

Fox has to be OUTED or killed outright for them to turn on this evil march to hate.

THEY ARE JUST TOO STUPID to think it through

without a TV station vomiting out Trumpism daily his gig will fail very quickly

No hannitties means no trump

Once they leave Trumpism they will just pretend they never supported him

they will claim they never vote OR that they used to vote for Democratic members

in the years to come only proud boys will admit to have supported trump

You people need to change your party name from the Hate America First Democrat Socialist Party®, to the, Hate America First Democrat Fascist Party®.
It's the demographic shift that is driving poorly educated whitey t christian to terrorism

Just once, I made the mistake of confirming that yes, I am Jewish, and asking why the commenter wanted to know.

His response to me was chilling: “Because you think multiculturalism is a good thing. Jews are always trying to replace white people with trash from somewhere else.”

I have since learned that my charming social media correspondent was parroting a racist, right-wing ideology known as “replacement theory.” It asserts that falling birthrates among white women combined with immigration will lead to the eventual replacement of the white race with people of color. It’s also called “white genocide.”

And just this weekend, the man who murdered 21 people in an El Paso, TX shopping mall referenced replacement theory, writing in his manifesto that he was defending his country “from cultural and ethnic replacement” brought on by a supposed “Hispanic invasion.” He then expanded upon his thinking, calling for segregating the country into ethnostates to prevent race mixing and writing that “2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics form interracial unions at much higher rates than average. Yet another reason to send them back.”

This bit especially jumped out at me, as a third generation American Latina, born of an interracial marriage between a Latina mother and a Jewish father. I’m the classic American mixed kid story, which makes me their worst nightmare and their ideology a threat to my existence.

This belief system is not rare, nor is it coming from the fringes. Just last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress that the majority of domestic terrorism cases the Bureau is currently tracking are motivated by white nationalism, and much of the El Paso shooter’s rhetoric mirrors talking points that the current President of the United States has either uttered or signal boosted on his Twitter account.


When are you hitting the streets an leading the fight coward? LMAO! Wimpy fucks like you crack me up. Sit at home pissing yourself, brave behind a keyboard. To afraid to do what you like posting about. The definition of a coward.