The whole system is against people of color, that’s how this country started out, that’s how it’s going to stay. They’ve been that way so long, it’s impossible for them to change..... Jus sayin
They would rather blame us for their carnage.
President Obama would not have been nominated, let alone been able to run, if he had married a Black immigrant whore.
Since that didn't happen all you have is your lying, biased & racist opinion.......... Which aint worth spit........The only reason Obama was elected is because 63 million left wingers thought skin color was a qualification. Had he been white, he wouldn't have lasted through the first primary.
Since that didn't happen all you have is your lying, biased & racist opinion.......... Which aint worth spit........
Haven't you heard, there was no collusion.
The only reason Obama was elected is because 63 million left wingers thought skin color was a qualification. Had he been white, he wouldn't have lasted through the first primary.
Being a lib/Dem means being a totally racist fcktard who makes up his own facts. Someone accuses Trump of collusion, without evidence, then most Dems will believe it a fact, even though they can't point to any collusion.
Trump talked and talked about collusion when he found out it was not defined as a crime. The Dems were not touting it. It was Daffy over and over. Trump is running a criminal enterprise and will pay for it in the end. Trump is guilty of emolument violations. He is guilty of obstructing justice. He will likely get nailed for money laundering. What is not being talked about is collusion. Catch up. Or try being honest.
I am an entitled white male veteran educated cisgendered older professional. Thus, naturally I supported Obama and opposed Trump.
Obama's 8 year "black" legacy, millions more blacks & Hispanics on food stamps & free Obama phones.
Trump's 2 year black legacy, the lowest black & Hispanic and female unemployment rate in history!
"And they shall call evil good & good evil."
Fuck that is a stupid comment.
Adults do not support the manchild.