White People Are ‘Mentally Handicapped’ Abusers Who Don’t Understand Racism

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Saying that racism is “not going away,” Rock focused on the notion of “progress” and how it’s viewed through the filters of individual lenses. Using Barack Obama and Jackie Robinson for examples of racial barriers being broken, Rock said it’s almost like white people believe that there were no Black people who could be an effective president or professional baseball player before they came along, respectively.

“That’s how white people have learned about racism,” Rock told the Times. “They think, when these people work hard enough, they’ll be like Jackie. And the real narrative should be that these people, the Black people, are being abused by a group of people that are mentally handicapped. And we’re trying to get them past their mental handicaps to see that all people are equal.”

“Humanity isn’t progress — it’s only progress for the person that’s taking your humanity,” Rock continued. “If a woman’s in an abusive relationship and her husband stops beating her, you wouldn’t say she’s made progress, right? But that’s what we do with Black people. We’re constantly told that we’re making progress. The relationship we’re in — the arranged marriage that we’re in — it’s that we’re getting beat less.”
