White supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US

Let's see...

I looked up the CV for Jennifer Ho, the author of that opinion piece. She's a marginally published academic with nothing worth noting to her credit.


I think her most telling pseudo-intellectual worthless work is this one in progress:

“I Am Not My Breast Cancer: Why I Hate Those F****** Pink Ribbons and Other Observations on My Post-Cancer Life” (book manuscript/memoir).

Yet, this radical Leftist "Professor" using some of the most amateurish and ill-sourced articles I've ever read... Her first source is this:

Asian Americans top target for threats and harassment during pandemic

Written by a fellow radical Leftist who makes an equally vapid and ill-sourced argument. But this becomes the basis for her claims that it's Whites that are driving Asian-American hate, even as it doesn't prove it.
From there, she goes into a series of logical fallacies from appeal to authority, to cherry picking and then with apparently no lack of hubris tells us "So in April 2020, I created a PowerPoint slide deck about anti-Asian racism that my employer, the University of Colorado Boulder, turned into a website." Big fucking deal you useless retard of an academic.

The rest is so badly done it's hard to believe that any university could keep on their staff someone so intellectually shallow, unversed in academic rigor, and just horridly bad as part of their staff. But I guess in the new Leftist university setting being a true believer and spouting the correct post-Marxist dogma of the Left is all that matters...

Worthless article.
White supremacy is an ideology, a pattern of values and beliefs that are ingrained in nearly every system and institution in the U.S. It is a belief that to be white is to be human and invested with inalienable universal rights and that to be not-white means you are less than human – a disposable object for others to abuse and misuse.


So called white supremacy is a delusion among a bunch of worthless, treasonous, incestuous and intellectually deficient trash who are a deplorable disgrace to America, its core values and anything else of a civilized natured on Earth and in violation of U.S. Constitutional law. This is when it says that all men are created equal and to which U.S. Constitutional law gave equal citizenship and rights to all Americans and regardless of who one is based on natural birthrights on U.S. territory. Under God, what is supreme in America is U.S. Constitutional law, federal law and all laws of the land in particular.