White Trash Tales

Then I've made my point: Limeys have their white trash as well, and theirs can't even set up a decent web site.

Why would a Limey set up a website thrashing... er....Limeys. It is pretty obvious to most anyone that the creator is Irish or of Irish descent.
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Why would a Limey set up a website thrashing... er....Limeys. It is pretty obvious to most anyone that the creator is Irish or of Irish descent.
Because people of good humor make fun of themselves. From your link (about us):

Just some good ol’ boys (and a girl) never meaning no harm. We grew up in the Piedmont Triangle region of North Carolina and have seen things that would make Jerry Springer blush. The stories contained within these pages are true and only embellished in the places were our memory has left a gap. Sure some of the names have been changed to protect the less than innocent but now that we are grown, have families and kids you will forgive us for wanting to conceal our identities just a bit.

We hope that you enjoy reading White Trash Tales and would love it if you shared some down home stories of your own.

-the WTT guys