"White Van" Speakers


Hail Voltaire
Have any of you encountered these assholes selling speakers out of the trunk of their vehicle? A couple years ago my brother got scammed by them. He talked them down to $200 thinking he got a deal, only to realize they are pieces of shit when he pulled them out of the box. Crappiest speakers I've ever seen. Exceptionally poor construction, no inputs to speak of, highly exaggerated specs/MSRP, etc.

Anyway, the other day one of these motherfuckers signaled me down in a parking lot. Thankfully I knew better based on my brother's experience... although, I have to say it's pretty much a given that you should never buy anything out of the back of a car. :palm:
Have any of you encountered these assholes selling speakers out of the trunk of their vehicle? A couple years ago my brother got scammed by them. He talked them down to $200 thinking he got a deal, only to realize they are pieces of shit when he pulled them out of the box. Crappiest speakers I've ever seen. Exceptionally poor construction, no inputs to speak of, highly exaggerated specs/MSRP, etc.

Anyway, the other day one of these motherfuckers signaled me down in a parking lot. Thankfully I knew better based on my brother's experience... although, I have to say it's pretty much a given that you should never buy anything out of the back of a car. :palm:

I have seen them. Years ago.

I told them no thanks.
Doorbell rang yesterday, a guy selling lawn service. I told him I did my own. He looked around and said, 'I knew this would be a hard sell. You do a great job.'