White Yale student reports black classmate to campus police ...


In Yo Face!
Just a Normal Day in frighten America in you're Black ... Boo ... :tongout:

White Yale student reports black classmate to campus police for napping in a dorm common room

A white Yale graduate student reported one of her black classmates (Lolade Siyonbola) to campus police for napping in a dorm common room — and the student was interrogated for 15 minutes because her name was misspelled in the school database.

... the (white) woman called campus police months prior after one of the black student’s friends got lost in her building.
“I have every right to call the police,” the defensive white grad student said ...

The second video ... shows Siyonbola’s interaction with campus officers as they ask her to see identification.
“We need to make sure you belong here,” a female officer told her.

“I deserve to be here,” Siyonbola asserted after one of the officers told her to “sit tight” as they run her ID. “I paid tuition like everybody else; I am not going to justify my existence here.”

The confrontation continued for more than 15 minutes as police struggled to verify that Siyonbola was a student, ultimately acknowledging that her name was misspelled in the database.

When Yale Daily News reached the Yale Police Department for comment, they defended the officers’ actions and said they were following “protocol.”
