Whites heads getting bigger

But why are whites heads getting bigger os it pure evolution due to increased intelligence and the mind needing more room.

Whites heads getting bigger?

White Heads can get too big, get under your skin, become nasty, and dangerous, and a real pain in the ass- and must be dealt with!

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the first episode of star trek I loved that show

Not quite, Bob. The episode was not the first, but featured footage from an unaired pilot. This particular character was part of that unaired pilot. The footage was presented as a 'broadcast' from a planet that was off limits. Spock was taking his former Captain there. Captain Pike, the original Captain from the unaired pilot. That episode was called 'The Menagerie' and did not appear until the middle of the first season.

It's sad how often I have to correct you.
Not quite, Bob. The episode was not the first, but featured footage from an unaired pilot. This particular character was part of that unaired pilot. The footage was presented as a 'broadcast' from a planet that was off limits. Spock was taking his former Captain there. Captain Pike, the original Captain from the unaired pilot. That episode was called 'The Menagerie' and did not appear until the middle of the first season.

It's sad how often I have to correct you.
yes I know it came along at a later date the first on has Kristopher pike as captain a a tall dark haired woman as number 1.I just couldn't recall the exact episode they did appear in the very first episode. So it seems we may have something in common we cn talk about such as sci fi and that probably means science in general.

I am a fan of all the various sub series and movies from star trek except deep space 9 thanks for the correction