Who Appreciates a Classless Cretin in the Oval Office?


1960s Chick Magnet
Political ideology aside, President Donald Trump (it hurts my eyeballs to see that phrase) is the most classless, poorly spoken, most badly behaved president in my lifetime...and it isn't in any way close.

I have never been involved in any kind of social circle where anybody as crude as Trump would be tolerated for one minute.
If he grew up in my neighborhood, he would not have survived to adulthood.

So now we deal with the fact that 63,000,000 eligible American voters chose him as their president.
We really need to take a look, then, at whom this president represents.

He represents the most deplorable "people" in our nation.

The racists.
The bigots.
The xenophobes.
The homophobes.
The misogynists.
The willfully illiterate.
The theocrats
The insanely violent.
And a few criminal corporate oligarchs.

Anybody who supports him has to look in the mirror and admit to being completely worthless.
Anybody who supports him has to view his/her own mother as a succubus and a schifosa for carrying him/her to term.
What must it be like to have to view oneself as such a despicably vile blob of diseased protoplasm?

What keeps trumpanzees from killing themselves?
It can only be a complete lack of awareness of what they are.
It must be a vacuum where morality and decency is supposed to reside.
It must be a vacuum where intellect is supposed to reside.

No matter how much civilized people look down at them with complete disgust, these sub-human mutants
actually think that they have a valid place in the universe.

Think is the wrong word. They're unequipped to think.
Perhaps they just feel.
I wish that I could describe in words what I'd like to make them feel.
I would love to see some troglodyte like Deploreable explain in cogent terms how supply side economics benefits him/her.

These people don't have any sane reason to support Trump.
They support Trump because they know that they're worthless trash and wish to be represented by one of their own.

"Why Trump? Because Fuck You that's why."

This is as articulate as these mutants are capable of being.
They're openly saying, "I know that I'm a repugnant piece of shit, so I'm going to revel in the fact.
It's the only thing, as a true deploreable, that I've got as a reason to revel."
I would love to see some troglodyte like Deploreable explain in cogent terms how supply side economics benefits him/her.

Do you really want a conversation about economics with me? OK.

I've never advocated supply side. I'm a Keynesian. A real Keynesian, not a neo-Keynesian fuckwit.
Do you really want a conversation about economics with me? OK.

I've never advocated supply side. I'm a Keynesian. A real Keynesian, not a neo-Keynesian fuckwit.

Simply reinforces the point that your support for the orangutan is nothing more than a wish to be represented by another troglodyte like yourself.
You have just barely enough awareness to know that you're indeed what you call yourself, Deploreable.
Enjoy being a useful idiot for the criminal oligarchs who exploit you.
Simply reinforces the point that your support for the orangutan is nothing more than a wish to be represented by another troglodyte like yourself.
You have just barely enough awareness to know that you're indeed what you call yourself, Deploreable.
Enjoy being a useful idiot for the criminal oligarchs who exploit you.

Hold on, you called upon me to defend supply side economics. I just told you I won't because I don't agree with it...I think's it's wasteful and inefficient. Now, you ignore that and just continue with the bashing even though YOU are the one who called for COGENT opinions.

Yep, you're one of the dumbest people on the Internet.

I know I'll regret this but...give me your take on Macro.
I studied under Paul Anthony Samuelson fifty years ago.
My ties to progressive liberal ideology, however, were more founded in sociology than economics.

Nevertheless, if you claim to be Keynesian in your economic bent, your allegiance to the Trumpian Reich is all the more incongruent.
I believe it's his boorishness, racism, and misogyny that appeals to you.
I suspect that you simply lack the polish to be relevant among those in polite society,
so you lash out by convincing yourself that your crudeness is a virtue.

It isn't. It renders you a lesser person.....Deploreable.
Nifty is thunking Deplorable quite easily and admirably.

The fact is: man of you support racism and violent rhetoric and the continued division and destruction of American values. Trump is a traitor to Americanism...and that's what you're supporting. You can't excuse that away...you're stained with it forever.
Nifty is thunking Deplorable quite easily and admirably.

The fact is: man of you support racism and violent rhetoric and the continued division and destruction of American values. Trump is a traitor to Americanism...and that's what you're supporting. You can't excuse that away...you're stained with it forever.

I don't think the country can stand another 2 years of Trump.
Of course it can.

We know who he is now, and other than SCOTUS appointments, which is his right, he is fangless now with legislation, and the federal judiciary will block any outrageous or silly EOs.
These Threads bring out the Best in JJP ... but at least they're not breaking a mythical 12b Rule :rolleyes:

Makes you wonder what type of personal issues these people are hiding. ;)