Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, JFK, Obama, Feingold, Nader, Stevenson, Zoltan Ferency
But...but...but, Nordberg !!, Lincoln wanted to deport all emancipated Blacks from America. He said that Blacks were (quote) "
socially and politically inferior to Whites" and not capable of integrating and living peacefully in civilized, White American society.So, how does that mesh with your Libtard world - view. How could a disgraceful
RACIST like Lincoln be one of your favourite politicals when you are a left liberal-progressive type Democrat (and probably marching in the BLM demonstrations) ? Also, Thomas Jefferson is another red flag for Libtards
, Nordberg. He owned African slaves all his life, up to 600 in fact. When Jefferson was President and at the age of 44 he raped an attractive, young, 14- year - old half-caste slave girl, called Sally Hemings who Jefferson forced to become his own concubine". He kept Sally Hemings hidden from view in a special room he had built for her at "Monticello"- (adjacent to his own bedroom) - because he didn't want the affaire to become public knowledge. People might think he was a "dirty old man" with the morals of a sewer rat (and they'd be right !). Kind of puts the current POTUS'S sexual pecadilloes, like grabbing a pussy or two for fun
, into perspective, doesn't it, Nordberg ? So for a Liberal, you've got some strange political heroes, Nordberg: a rapist, sexist racist and sexual deviant (paedophile) in Jefferson; a White Supremacist/White Nationalist in Lincoln, and they're they're the first two names on your list that I noticed. As for JFK, I tell you more about him below (a very unsavoury character).
As for JFK, he was a randy, sexual predator who viewed women solely as "sex objects" for his personal self-gratification. He used to regularly have sex with a pair of young twins ( who were female White House staffers in their early 20's) during threesomes he staged in the White House swimming pool. He nick-named the twins "Fiddle" and "Faddle."He also "slipped a length" to Marilyn Monroe and who knows how many other impressionable, young starlets from Tinsel Town ? ! All of this while he was married to Jackie K (what a "dirty dog" - so much for "Camelot" !!) If that's not bad enough, I can also tell you JFK used to regularly have the Secret Service bring attractive, young prostitutes to him whenever he had a hankerin' for a nice "piece of - no questions asked - ass".
The hookers were paid off and told if they
ever they breathed a word of their famous client to anyone they'd be "toast"...(seriously, "toast"). JFK's big speeches were often pretty good, his eloquent rhetoric, however, was usually amphetamine-fuelled. He'd have the White House Doc give him a goodly shot of "speed" before he had to make any big-occasion, public addresses or go live on national TV. The amphetamine injections "super-charged" his higher cognitive faculties and made him sound very articulate, confident, and (even) "charismatic". (Think of amphetamine as producing the exact opposite mental effects to dementia, Nordberg. "Sleepy"Joe Biden has dementia. Right ? He actually has a type of dementia called, Vascular Dementia Dementia is a neuro-degenerative mental disorder that slows down (impairs) and eventually wipes out the parts of your brain that are responsible for enabling higher-level rational thinking. This is why Biden is a major "gaffe machine" who can't keep his act together for more than about 7 minutes. The DNC now knows they can't risk letting him loose to speak to the American public in person, live and in real time, because there's a 99% chance that if he's allowed to speak freely for even half an hour, say, he'll start talking bizarre nonsense
or insulting people like African Americans, for example, telling them that they "ain't Black" if they don't vote for good 'ol Uncle Joe. Or telling his own supporters that they are "fat" or "dog-faced pony soldiers", or challenging people in his audience to push- up contests or a fist- fight "behind the barn" just, for daring to ask him questions like "How did young Hunter get his lucrative job in the Ukraine ?"
But Joe Biden's problems aren't just in his head, some are located further South, anatomically speaking; namely his sexual perversions, you know, like frotteurism ( opportunistically rubbing his crotch up against young women/girls who happen to be standing close him in a situation where they cannot flee), or sniffing female hair to get some kind of sexual "cheap thrill" from insufflating their scalp pheremones. What next, I wonder? Exhibition pyroflatus displays on CNN ? In any case, the bottom line is that the Democrats can't risk having "Uncle Joe" at large in public. So DNC minders keep him locked up in a basement somewhere and probably under close supervision. It's mainly to make sure he can't get out and start talking absurd, gobbledegook to the media (esp someone like Hannity or Tucker Carlson at FOX NEWS !!
) and thereby totally blow any chance they have of beating Trump on November 3rd (which is already next to nothing). Or, if he escaped, he might wander into local Walmart or Cost-Co stores and start sniffing women shoppers' hair while they were standing in the check-out queues. There would doubtless be complaints made to store security staff and it's more than likely a 9-1-1 call would be made informing the police that an elderly sex pervert- claiming to be a former American Vice President - was at large in the store molesting female customers; and when asked, repeatedly, to leave, had refused and responded with threats of physical violence.
So, what you get from the Democratic Presidential nominee is a weekly, 5-minute (heavily edited) video of "Sleepy Joe" reciting out a few boring, Liberal platitudes and "woke" sound-bites and maybe dealing Trump a weak bitch-slap or two, and that's it folks. That's all you get for your loyal, Democrat-voting dollar! If I were a Democrat voter - (which I absolutely am not) - I'd feel just a teensy, little bit "short-changed," to say the least. I mean,
let's face it, politically speaking, Biden is simply not a contender for the 2020 Presidency. Forget about what any pundits or national opinion polls say regarding Biden having a 5 or 10 or 15 or whatever, point lead over Trump, they're not worth tuppence. Putting up a demented, frail, old man against a political Ubermensch and a real "King-Hitter" like Trump
is just cruel and inhumane from a moral perspective. And from a pragmatic, political perspective, it makes no sense at all ? I mean, what
exactly is the Democrat game- plan here? Do they even have one ? If so, I certainly can't work it out. I have never seen anything like this in American politics before ?
Anyway, getting back to JFK (sorry about the diversion). So you see, Nordberg, JFK was quite a decadent and depraved dude (like most Left-Liberal-progressive characters
). So how does that slot in with your "holier-than-thou", Left- Liberal morality? Probably quite well, I'd say, because all Left - liberal/progressive Democrats are
MAJOR hypocrites. The Left- Liberal Democrat politician is that smug, self-righteous individual whose attitude is that you must:
"Do-as-I-say not as-I-do", because
I am a superior human being who is more knowledgeable, wiser, more virtuous and also far more important than you are (or ever will be). And given this, I am confident that you
WILL (1) cheerfully do what you are told to do by me; (2) never criticise or challenge my ideological position, and (3) most of all, you will never deride or chastise
WHY I do the things that I do is
WAY beyond your feeble powers of comprehension.
I mean,
why I illegally destroyed the evidence (33,000 emails/computers/ lap-tops/ iPhones etc) that those Grand Jury subpoenas issued by Federal prosecutors had ordered me to provide as a part of their criminal investigation into my recent "carelessness" - and ,BTW. that's all it was, "carelessness"- (Mr Comey, the Director of the FBI even said so himself: "Nothing illegal, no crime commited here" !) - in sending emails on my private server instead of the official government one.
It's not a matter for you to worry about nor is the "Steele Dossier" or Benghazi or "Uranium One" or laundering money,( millions of dollars), through "The Clinton Foundation" or how I managed to get my dolt of a daughter, Chelsea, into Stanford and Oxford Universities or why the Russians paid Bill $500,000 (USD) to give a 45 minute speech in Moscow recently. These are all matters for
me to worry about, not
you[/I. And in any case , I'm far too important a person to be having to waste my valuable time explaining the details if these ridiculous, trifling, little things to the millions of "deplorables", "irredeemables" and "clingers" in this country like you, who would have no chance of understanding anything to begin with ! All they need to know is that I have always done everything strictly "by the book" and that my sole motivation for entering public life has never been anything other than to selflessly devote myself to the greater public good. I have no interest in money whatsoever !
Ain't that right, Nordberg !