Who are some of your favorite stand-up comedians or funny people, all-time.......

Regardless of the race, sex, skin color, or ethnic background of that person? My favorites include Robin Williams, my absolute favorite stand-up comedian all-time, he was a fine actor in addition to his brilliant and wonderfully zany stand-up. And George Carlin, who I think is STILL relevant these days, Steve Martin, Bill Cosby, Dave Chappelle, (my favorite current comedian) Groucho Marx and Lucille Ball, some more of my favorites.
Richard Pryor, Carlin, Chappelle, Rodney Dangerfield... There are many others IMHO, but these are the classics..
Richard Pryor, Carlin, Chappelle, Rodney Dangerfield... There are many others IMHO, but these are the classics..

I had big respect for Carlin. He knew how to handle people and their stupid shit and entertain in the process. I've had many rightists try to claim he's big-time liberal which I find hilarious. Somehow I think they get the impression that if a comedian shits on conservatives they have to be liberal. I guess they missed Carlin during the Clinton years.
I had big respect for Carlin. He knew how to handle people and their stupid shit and entertain in the process. I've had many rightists try to claim he's big-time liberal which I find hilarious. Somehow I think they get the impression that if a comedian shits on conservatives they have to be liberal. I guess they missed Carlin during the Clinton years.

lol........ A lib he was not.......

I think if anything he was anti-asshole, which comes in all shades, sizes & persuasions..........

He certainly was not PC..........
I had big respect for Carlin. He knew how to handle people and their stupid shit and entertain in the process. I've had many rightists try to claim he's big-time liberal which I find hilarious. Somehow I think they get the impression that if a comedian shits on conservatives they have to be liberal. I guess they missed Carlin during the Clinton years.

Carlin was an equal opportunity ranter…

If you want to laugh your ass off, go to YouTube, type in Brian Regan and start watching....

One funny sumbeech.
1) Carlin

2) Hicks

3) Williams

4) Kinison

5) Cosby

Final Answer

Ya, I noticed too that no women made the cut.

Griffin makes the top 15...she is tops of the women.