Who believes Dixie is being a dumbass and just won't admit his mistake?

Is Dixie being reasonable?

  • Dixie is a dumbass, a pinhead, and he's trying to get out of his obligations

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Dixie is being perfectly reasonable

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No way Dixie actually has 10,000 dollars

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Dixie likes sex with cows, and the cows told him all of this

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Three Red Hats

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters


Let's see. He says the Golden Rule doesn't exist in the bible. Every translation that we throw at him has it in it, and some have the exact weirdass wording that he uses in it. He disqualifies those, of course, because apparently they're too new and aren't used in bachwards 400 year old "hose the blacks" Alabama churches he lives in. The King James version of the bible has the golden rule in it, except in middle English instead of modern English. Dixie says this doesn't count, because it doens't have his exact weirdass wording, which few people actually use but he claims is the "real" wording. He seems to fail to understand the entire concept of linguistics, and is being thouroughly dumbass. What a pinhead. (Who actually uses that word anyway)?

Dixies logic:

1. The only golden rule that exists is the exact weirdass translation that I provided. This is the real rule. If you say something that means the exactly same thing but has "to" in it instead of "unto", then you are wrong.

2. Only the King James version of the bible is a translation. All others aren't. I, Dixie, still live in the middle ages and regularly enjoy beating black men and raping black women.

3. I, Dixie, believe the bible doesn't have the golden rule in it at all because, apparently, the writers of the bible all wrote in English, and they composed the King James version of the bible, which is the only legitimate version. If you read a bible in German you aren't reading the bible. They knew well of the golden rule, but craftily designed to disinclude it from the bible, and instead use words that mean the exact same thing as the golden rule but are different. Therefore, it is not the "real" golden rule.

4. I like sex with cows
Dixie is just being a pill....

And being the "pill" that he is with this proclamation about the golden rule actually ended up being a God send, imo....

Many times I get dismayed reading these sites because I feel that the people here, (primarily because of the hypocrisy the past few years with the bolsterous proclamations of the religious right) act as though they have no belief in a beyond this world life...or even no belief in God, therefore everything that is in the Bible is FALSE... and has no good in it or no good advice in it... :(

when I believe, that even if you do not believe in God, many things and really ALL THINGS that Jesus taught... about behavior and emotions are extremely insightful and worth the read.....

Well, When Dixie Challenged the fact that the Golden Rule is not in the Bible...

Quite a few people on this site, including YOU watermark, went to the Bible and found the different various wordings in Matthew 7:12 and posted them to the site, proving Dixie WRONG....

But at the same time...it gave me a sense of Peace... that many of you do believe in God or are in the process of working out whether you believe in God or not, or even you don't believe in God or the Bible persay but you do recognize that the Bible DOES teach some things that you totally can understand and agree with like the Golden Rule etc...

Regardless, it made me realize that this is a personal thing between you and your maker or you and your non maker, (God knows best and I need to let his free will gift work on its own....no holding a gun to people's heads as Brent tries to do and no forcing things down people's throat....truth will set you free, not me :D)

Anyway...good morning!

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For some reason, and I am not really sure why, pinheads have an infatuation with me. If I were to post that the sky is blue, some pinhead like Waterhead would make the argument that the sky is actually green and I am stupid. If I were to post that the ocean is deep, some pinhead like Alexx is going to "prove" it's shallow and I am a moron. It doesn't matter what I post, or which way I mean something, pinhead retards are going to intentionally twist my words to mean something else, and it's usually something utterly ridiculous they can bash me with.

It tickles me that pinheads are so enamoured with me, that it so makes their day to come here and take pot shots at me, like a neocon pinata. I hope that whatever anger issues they have, are somehow resolved through this cathartic experience.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is not found in the King James Bible. In fact, the very concept of the Golden Rule predates Christian religion by over 1,000 years. So, "interpretations" of the Golden Rule, existed long before ANY Bible was written. The Golden Rule was not originated in the Bible, and the verse we commonly know, is not found in the Bible we commonly know as The Bible. Those are the facts. I am sorry they are the facts, I wish I could change them to make pinheads right and me wrong, but... those are the facts.

Why do I need to read 500 threads a day, on whether or not I am right about this fact? That's the question I want someone to answer. Why is it so profoundly important to pinheads, to make complete and utter fools of themselves, just to try and make Dixie look foolish? Is there a point? Or is it just your mental retardation, which keeps you from engaging in legitimate debate over the real issues?
Well, When Dixie Challenged the fact that the Golden Rule is not in the Bible...

Quite a few people on this site, including YOU watermark, went to the Bible and found the different various wordings in Matthew 7:12 and posted them to the site, proving Dixie WRONG....

First of all, I didn't challenge the fact that the Golden Rule is not in the Bible, that was the point I made. I also didn't say that the Bible didn't have passages which convey the meaning of the Golden Rule. I never said that the Golden Rule didn't have many translations, or that the proper English verse we commonly know, predates the Bible. The concept of the Golden Rule is much older than Christian religion, which means, it was around a long time before the Bible or Jesus were ever conceived. So, to say that the Golden Rule "come from" the Bible, is false, it doesn't. To say that the phrase we commonly use, is found in the text of the Bible, is false, it's not. And to argue that the Bible is the original source of the Golden Rule, is also false.

Now, you can keep being stubborn about it, and insisting that I said something that I never said, or pretend that I am arguing something I am not arguing, as far as I am concerned, you are the ones who look like pathetic idiots, not me.

Dixie is right, and you are wrong... but that just can't be, in Pinhead World! We have to twist and mangle it, so that Dixie is wrong, no matter what he says, because it's important to make it appear Dixie is wrong about everything. I understand that, it's sad, it's pathetic, it's needy. You people need to grow up and get a life, if this is what it's coming to.
Sorry...I never said that the golden rule did NOT predate the Bible.... I was the one that printed the Golden rule's wording for various different factions, some of which predate the Bible.

The wording is the same in the Bible to what you stated as the Golden rule....(btw, where did you get your terming for the golden rule, link please) and this is why the western world of today commonly uses your terming of the Golden rule...in English....most of the western world knows "the Golden Rule" from the Bible's root, not from the various other religions or factions that use it also, don't ya think?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is not found in the King James Bible. In fact, the very concept of the Golden Rule predates Christian religion by over 1,000 years.

You're original $10,000 dollar challenge didn't specify that we had to use the King James translation.

There are literally like a dozen widely accepted english translations of the bible.

You owe watermark 10 thousand dollars.

Dixie's challenge: $10,000.00 Prize for Jarhead.....
...Or any pinhead, for that matter... If you can prove that the commonly known phrase, The Golden Rule, is in the Bible. It can't be a phrase like the Golden Rule, it has to be the actual wording... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Your money awaits, just prove your case! Post the book and verse, where I can confirm this, and I will send you a check for $10,000.00... it's that simple!

Nothing about limiting the search to only the King James translation
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Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is not found in the King James Bible. In fact, the very concept of the Golden Rule predates Christian religion by over 1,000 years.

You're original $10,000 dollar challenge didn't specify that we had to use the King James translation.

There are literally dozens of widely accepted english translations of the bible.

You owe watermark 10 thousand dollars.

I gave reference to it first, he owes me the 10 k!!!! :) I know I did! Well, I will have to go back and look, but I am certain I did? :p
LOL Dixie. I know you aren't going to give me 10 grand. I thought the point you were making was that the golden rule wasn't IN the bible, however, not that it didn't predate the bible. I realize it predated the bible. But you asked for the golden rule in the bible, and I gave you several widely accepted modern translation of the bible that have it exactly as you said. Also, the KJ version has wording in it that meant the same whenever it was worded as what you said.
Since you didn't answer me, I assume you just forgot the choice for "Three Red Hats". Should I add it for you?
Dixie is just having ego problems. Its about attention. He's not stupid, he just needs attention. Just look at the first line of his 8:09 post.
I kind of like the last choice. Dixie does live in one of the few states that does not outlaw sex with animals. One has to wonder why ;)