Who Bombed???


Aint I a cutie? HEH HEH
Back in the cold war days. a person dreesed as a russian soldure hitch-hiked all over America with a small faux suitcase bomb. he was never stopped or questions, by ANYONE.Later, in exasperationhe "outed" himself and the reasons he did so. it was intended to riseawarness of the unrecognized threat of such things.

Now it is in the news that from the four corners of the US (small airports) the authorities are investigation a series of unusual itms found in carry-on and "hold" baggage. to a large degree they are blocks of chees, clay, or solidified gellitan with wires or cell phones attacked. Similar in appearance to what a home-made bomb would look like.

The authoritieshave three possible explainations.:

1. coincidence or innocent mistakes---- Of course, everyone carries these thing around in their luggage--- RIGHT? Who dosn't like a good peice of cheese with wires attached. :rolleyes:

2 & 3. A dry run for terrorists which are checking out our security fo when they want6 to actually ship a bomb. " Nonsense." if it were terrorists they wouldn't be checking it out, they would be supplying the real thing.
It is possible it is scare tactics but most likely by our governmental agencies. NOT by the real terrorists.

4.. (not even mentioned by the authorities) IMHO, it is more likely to be a re-rund of the Russian soldier syndrome) Someone (a loyal American) wanting to find out how prepared we really are, with perhaps the added inpetuos of waking us all up.

As for the guilt of the owners of the suspicious luggage--- They could well have been duped by friends, or even have been the questioning or concerned parties, but don't fell the need to admit it.



(contrary or otherwise)
I read it this morning. A couple of them sounded weird, but one, the couple who had some cheese in one plastic bag, and a cell phone in another, fastened together, I thought was nothing.
Back in the cold war days. a person dreesed as a russian soldure hitch-hiked all over America with a small faux suitcase bomb. he was never stopped or questions, by ANYONE.Later, in exasperationhe "outed" himself and the reasons he did so. it was intended to riseawarness of the unrecognized threat of such things.

Now it is in the news that from the four corners of the US (small airports) the authorities are investigation a series of unusual itms found in carry-on and "hold" baggage. to a large degree they are blocks of chees, clay, or solidified gellitan with wires or cell phones attacked. Similar in appearance to what a home-made bomb would look like.

The authoritieshave three possible explainations.:

1. coincidence or innocent mistakes---- Of course, everyone carries these thing around in their luggage--- RIGHT? Who dosn't like a good peice of cheese with wires attached.

2 & 3. A dry run for terrorists which are checking out our security fo when they want6 to actually ship a bomb. " Nonsense." if it were terrorists they wouldn't be checking it out, they would be supplying the real thing.
It is possible it is scare tactics but most likely by our governmental agencies. NOT by the real terrorists.
4.. (not even mentioned by the authorities) IMHO, it is more likely to be a re-rund of the Russian soldier syndrome) Someone (a loyal American) wanting to find out how prepared we really are, with perhaps the added inpetuos of waking us all up.

As for the guilt of the owners of the suspicious luggage--- They could well have been duped by friends, or even have been the questioning or concerned parties, but don't fell the need to admit it.



(contrary or otherwise)

What can I say......... :rolleyes: :cig: :corn: :foil: There that just about covers it!
What can I say......... :rolleyes: :cig: :corn: :foil: There that just about covers it!
and so you said nothing. Is it possible for you to us words to relate you opinions? Sarcasm doesn't fit, in any way that I can see, Cig? corn? foil? None of those c-relate. I asked for comment and opinions, certainly that was not picking on you.