Who could blame them?


The guide to naturalization that the US government provides is a 3.9 MB PDF. If you know anything about computers, having a plain text file that's 3.9 MB's is a pretty decent feat. It is 66 pages.


Becoming a US citizen also requires approximately 10,000 dollars in "filing fees", and that you sign over 100 forms. This is not even the entire cost, just the cost to fill out the forms.


Honestly, I'd come here illegally also.
we need the workers, they desperately need the income and we give them NO way to do it leagally
Industry wants low paid workers, not just workers.
And the rest of us condone / support it by whining when prices rise because of increased labor costs.
and as I posted in another thread, several of the top nations have much tougher immigration standards than we do.
Becoming a citizen is one thing becoming a documented foreign worker is another issue.
How much to just get a "green card" and work here ?
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One souloution is to just get more american citizens to marry foreign people :D

More marriages to Muslims, hindus, etc will bring more peace and prosperity to the world.
Industry wants low paid workers, not just workers.
And the rest of us condone / support it by whining when prices rise because of increased labor costs.
and as I posted in another thread, several of the top nations have much tougher immigration standards than we do.
Becoming a citizen is one thing becoming a documented foreign worker is another issue.
How much to just get a "green card" and work here ?

Immigration will unfortunately immediately hurt the working class. I realize that. It will also benefit our economy. So, why not try to even things out by loosing up immigration, and using the economic benefits to increase social welfare spending?

And yes, US, you're right there. Most nations in the world are almost fascist in regard to immigrants. We actually probably have a liberal immigration policy compared to them, and no one even wants to go to those nations. Places like Mexico and France come to mind. But I really don't think we should hold ourselves up to that standard.

Our current foreign worker system makes foreign workers nothing but slaves to their employers. It's not a very good system. It also may not be entirely fair to say "If you don't want to be a citizen, you can't work here". I don't know. It depends. I think that people should be able to come here if they just want the job. But I do realize that puts a strain on the labour market. As I've said before, we could use the economic benefits it would provide to the rich and middle class to help out the poorer who would be hurt by it.
And I was incorrect, I didn't look long enough. You don't have to fill out every form mentioned there. But the obvious forms most would have to file still put the cost of gaining citizenship at about a cool few thou.