APP - Who could have predicted? Oh yeah. I did



How about that folks? One year after Crooked Hillary lost in an epic fashion to President Donald J Trump, donations to the Clinton Foundation dropped a whopping 88%

Now why might that be? I mean if the Clintons were doing soooooooooooooooooo much good in the world and with both of them essentially unemployed, you would think their Foundation would be raking in even MORE money than it did previously.

Oh yeah and they shuttered the Clinton Global Initiative and laid off 22 people. What swell folks putting those poor people out on the street like that. It isn't like the Clintons can't afford it.

The Clinton Foundation was ALWAYS a pay to play scheme. That was why Crooked Hillary set up her private server. She didn't want to be hassled with any FOIA requests while she was selling the nation away to the highest bidder.

As I have said before, no matter what President Donald J Trump ever does, he will always be remembered for sparing us that train wreck called Crooked Hillary. Thank God for Donald Trump