Who has a design for an anti-conspritory hat?


Aint I a cutie? HEH HEH
It appears I need one. Referenece the latest Car bomb attenpts in London.

First of all, I have to wonder whether they were real ir just window-dressing.
Look at the facts, some questions, (and some assumptions):

1. why would they uses a late model mercedes in each ( both) cases, rather than a less expensive vehicle such as an older van? (you can look in the windows of the mercedes)

2. Smoke? in both vehicles? m a real attenpt, or a way to call attention.

3. wouldn't a wise bomber calmly walk away as a normal person would, and leave sufficient time to get away from the scene, (unless he was intent in committing suicide.)

4. A wise bomber would also be certain the igniting device actually worked before installing it on a bomb. (I think they are at least "THAT" smart.) In these cases it seems that they didn't do so


Note; There have been several alleged terrorist attempts in England recently. I am beginning to wonder.