who honestly believes that stories4u's wife is posting at fullpolitics?

who honestly believes that stories4u's wife is posting at fullpolitics?

I believe it. Out of curiosity, I went over there and read some threads, and I think she is legitimate. Of course, I was one of the few who actually believed that Stories had passed away. Mainly because I knew, in conversations we had, that he was not in good health. I really miss the guy, he was one of the best posters on any message board I've ever been on. May he rest in peace.
I knew stories was sick but when his so-called wife started arguing with canadiankid i called bullshit. I would think a dying man would have better things to do then tell his wife to watch out for a dude named canadiankid on a messageboard.
who honestly believes that stories4u's wife is posting at fullpolitics?

I believe it. Out of curiosity, I went over there and read some threads, and I think she is legitimate. Of course, I was one of the few who actually believed that Stories had passed away. Mainly because I knew, in conversations we had, that he was not in good health. I really miss the guy, he was one of the best posters on any message board I've ever been on. May he rest in peace.

Well, she came around to p.com about two weeks before FP was started, and then disappeared. I don't think she'd even know how to the other site. I call bullshit.
I knew stories was sick but when his so-called wife started arguing with canadiankid i called bullshit. I would think a dying man would have better things to do then tell his wife to watch out for a dude named canadiankid on a messageboard.

My bullshit meter is registering off the scale.

His "wife" claims she merely "looked over his shoulder" from time to time, when he was typing on p.com....but, somehow she "remembers" blackflag, who hardly ever even "talked" to stories? And somehow she remembers maineman and CK, and all there alleged idiosycrisies? Over two years later, she somehow remembers all this, simply from looking over her husband's shoulder from time to time?

I knew stories was sick but when his so-called wife started arguing with canadiankid i called bullshit. I would think a dying man would have better things to do then tell his wife to watch out for a dude named canadiankid on a messageboard.

I kinda think he was able to do and say more than one thing, Grind. If that was all he said to her, then you may have a point, but I don't think you can make that case. It's not uncommon, for a husband and wife who are close, to share intimate details about things they enjoy doing, and I can see him talking to her about the message board, he did spend a lot of time there.

Well, she came around to p.com about two weeks before FP was started, and then disappeared. I don't think she'd even know how to the other site. I call bullshit.

Again, she was around at the time we changed boards, and she could have easily followed us to the new board, and just not posted. Heck, I go over there and read posts from time to time, but you'd never know I existed there, because I don't post anymore. Besides, alls you'd have to do is Google CandianKid, and I am sure it would point you to FP.com... it's not like you are in hiding there from the rest of the free world... (although, that might be what SR wants you to believe.)
His "wife" claims she merely "looked over his shoulder" from time to time, when he was typing on p.com....but, somehow she "remembers" blackflag, who hardly ever even "talked" to stories? And somehow she remembers maineman and CK, and all there alleged idiosycrisies? Over two years later, she somehow remembers all this, simply from looking over her husband's shoulder from time to time?

I think, if she looked over his shoulder once every 6 months, she couldn't help but to see Maineman posts. And how the hell could anyone forget such an idiot as CanadianKid? I still remember people from 2 years ago, who aren't around posting anymore, so why wouldn't she?

I can also understand how a widow who was in love with her husband, would seek a 'connection to the past' through posting on his old board. It doesn't sound unreasonable to me in the least, and makes all the sense in the world.

I can't prove that she is who she says, she can't either, and you can't prove she's not. I do know, she mentioned an email that Robdawg sent to Stories, apparently it had some 'intimate confessions' in it, and she recalled this in her post... how would anyone else know about that? Seems to me, the only explanation would be, she is who she says, or she is actually Stories, or maybe she is Robdawg. Any one of these are possible, but it would seem, if she were Rob, SR would know it because of the IP, and he wouldn't be buying into it like he is, unless he's in on it too. To me, it's just too far fetched to think she is anything other than who she says she is.
Well if she hasn't mentioned any of the old members that don't post over there anymore....
