Who is a greater threat to the US, Republicans or ISIS?


IMO ISIS easily. If I could choose to destroy one of the two terrorist organizations, I wouldn't even blink. The modern Republican party is the greatest threat to the security and safety of America and its people ever to emerge. It is a greater threat than Hitler, or the Japanese, because it's an internal enemy that's taken control of our government in cooperation with Russia.
IMO ISIS easily. If I could choose to destroy one of the two terrorist organizations, I wouldn't even blink. The modern Republican party is the greatest threat to the security and safety of America and its people ever to emerge. It is a greater threat than Hitler, or the Japanese, because it's an internal enemy that's taken control of our government in cooperation with Russia.
Who is the greater terrorist, the puppet terrorist dictator of the United States, Donald J. Trump, under the direction of his master, Vladmir Putin, or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Imo it's America's terrorist dictator.
The modern Republican party is the greatest threat to the security and safety of America and its people ever to emerge.

The thing about Republicans - if you believe Trump fans - is that they provide their own opposition. There's something called the Deep State with a mission to destroy Trump, and most of them are Republicans. The rest of us can sit back and enjoy.
Hello George $oros,

IMO ISIS easily. If I could choose to destroy one of the two terrorist organizations, I wouldn't even blink. The modern Republican party is the greatest threat to the security and safety of America and its people ever to emerge. It is a greater threat than Hitler, or the Japanese, because it's an internal enemy that's taken control of our government in cooperation with Russia.

There is an ambiguity in your OP.

The question is asked: "Who is a greater threat to the US, Republicans or ISIS?"

You give two contradictory answers:

Answer 1: "IMO ISIS easily. If I could choose to destroy one of the two terrorist organizations, I wouldn't even blink."

Answer 2: "The modern Republican party is the greatest threat to the security and safety of America and its people ever to emerge. It is a greater threat than Hitler, or the Japanese, because it's an internal enemy that's taken control of our government in cooperation with Russia."

It sounds like you are having an argument with yourself. Do you have a position on this?

Me? I have no problem taking a singular position. The Republican party is the greater threat. They are so willing to overlook the glaring flaws of President Trump they show that they are more concerned with getting power than they are about what to use that power for (hopefully for the good of We, The People.) Sadly, the Republican Party appears to be more willing to use power for the good of They, The Corporations, and They, The Rich..

ISIS is certainly a threat, but it is one we have better success at containing. There will always be groups like ISIS. We must accept that. There will always be religious extremists groups.

Republicans have direct access to vast power in the USA. They use it to reward their richest members. Republicans do not appear to care much about the disadvantaged. They do not have America's better interest at hand. They work for their rich supporters.

If you earn less than $100K and vote Republican you are a fool. You might be duped by fear-mongering into supporting oligarchs.