"Who is Grind? Who is Damo?"

I talk about various people on this board as well. I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday about frangible ammo and of course WCC came up, though, because I know your RL name I used it, because, well calling you Weighted Companion Cube sounds stupid.
I talk about various people on this board as well. I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday about frangible ammo and of course WCC came up, though, because I know your RL name I used it, because, well calling you Weighted Companion Cube sounds stupid.
I have delusions of grandeur that everyone refers to me as Captain.
I talk about people on the board. Grind, Watermark, and Billy come up the most, although I have also spoken of Desh, Damo, Asshate, Gentoo, Stories4u, SR, Brent, Beefy, and probably others...