There is nothing abnormal at all with talking to God or talking to oneself in thought only, like...
"What the heck do you think you are doing Care? Are you crazy? You know what trouble you caused when you last told your mother that, don't you remember?"
Or talking to God, like...."Please God, please let my mom live through this operation and please let it go well!"
To me, these are every day type events...not the actions of a crazy person...
However, saying that God SPOKE to you...well, it is...pretty uncomprehendable to me...I mean there are a couple of Prophets that I know of like Moses, that actually had God speak out loud, to them....
I am pretty certain, that was not the case with President Bush...he did not meet prophet level and have God speak to him....and tell him to go to war against a country that had done NOTHING to us....
Now how do I know this? As a "believer", I know( have faith

) that God is Just, good, pure, truthful, honest, loving, fair, least the God that I know and love would never go against those traits... He would not send anyone directly or indirectly in to an unjust war, I just could never accept that this was a just war, based on what we know is considered a just war over the centuries... so, by examining the fruit in this situation, it would be my best bet...that President Bush did not have any kind of direct two way conversation with God.
And I doubt it with the Jihadists either...