Who is the Biggest Religious Nut?

Who is the Biggest Religious Nut?

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I think the the Abrahamic Faiths are all a bunch of ridiculous fascist racist bullshit. I have a soft spot for jesus, whether he existed or not, because in my mind he was a rebel against an unjust corrupt establishment, and was killed for it. Sadly, the organized faith which bares his name is mostly corrupt and fascistic.

I believe in morality, not religion.

Morality is any behavior which facilitates honest and open trusting and collaborative human relationships, without deception, without dehumanizing others to create a common enemy, etc. all those NWO fascist techniques.
i vote for me - burn in Hell CanadianKid! :burn:

Ostrogoth - what is the point of morals without God? I mean, your a bunch of freaking cells you moron!
Interesting, I will have to keep my eyes opened, I guess I have missed the nuttiness.
I am with battleborne, I believe in morality and the "golden rule" which is the tenet of most religions and civilizations.
Definitely Brent, but he doesn't post anymore. Too busy denying himself sex with hot readheads...
Froggie, A lot of the bible is just about how to get along with people.
ie a more peacful productive society.
I always enjoy your avatars!

He is so pretty! Such a nice smile!

I like that one too, It captures more of the real McCain.

Of course it helped me get to the most annoying poster status too :cheer:

Look at the ones that voted for me and think about it. It is very annoying to many to be wrong and have someone wo is correct be around.

Of course I will admit to having my troll vote for me too :D
I like that one too, It captures more of the real McCain.

Of course it helped me get to the most annoying poster status too :cheer:

Look at the ones that voted for me and think about it. It is very annoying to many to be wrong and have someone wo is correct be around.

Of course I will admit to having my troll vote for me too :D

Oh, like who voted for you as the most annoying? Battleborne, Grind, Asshat and Gonzo? Like you care about them?

As far as I'm concerned, anybody who voted against Bush twice gets a high five. :clink:
My point exactly Cypress. I see it as an achievement when Bushies find me annoying.
It means I am on the correct path, unlike them.

Like the new Boy Scout Bush compass. It has the markings on the North and South reversed.