APP - Who is the leader of the democrat party?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Now that the Clinton's have been vanquished who is the leader of the democrat party? I don't see one emerging right now. They obviously need help to regain the trust of working Americans who abandoned them this election cycle.

Obviously the Clinton's would like to keep their noses in the mix as they prep the world for Chelsea's inevitable run for Congress. Can the democrat party shake the hold that the Clinton's have had all these years? Should they?

Don't have one since they punted Brazile

I am really hoping our friends on the left will weigh in. You would think that at some point they would tire of complaining about Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions and want to focus on what is going on in their own party. I mean these are weighty issues the democrat party has to grapple with. One would think that thought members of the democrat party on JPP would have some sort of opinion
They think somehow the EC will puck hrc.
The first step is acceptance. They don't realize they are still free falling and the floor is coming up fast.
A leader will emerge, I suspect currently its by default Bernie Sanders (although he is barely a Democrat).

Technically it will be the Senate Minority Leader once the new congress reconvenes.
A leader will emerge, I suspect currently its by default Bernie Sanders (although he is barely a Democrat).

Technically it will be the Senate Minority Leader once the new congress reconvenes.

Schumer is powerless in the Senate thanks to Dingy Harry Reid gutting the filibuster. We warned you. The GOP should just take it all the way and kill the thing. Lefties should not object as they hated the filibuster during Obama's time in office and surely would not want to be hypocrites on the issue. Would they?