APP - Who is the leader of the democratic party? II


Why do right wingers censor conversation? I realize this is a characteristic of fascist thought, but they may actually learn something in an open, free society in which all points of view are allowed. That is one of the goals of America in spite of the efforts by many Americans on the right to shut down speech and the 1st amendment.

There is no leader in the democratic party plain and simple, leaders are a function of control again as in fascism. The right needs a leader for they are incapable of realizing society is made up of all people and not just demagogues who acting like saviors promise to make them great again. When will they realize that snake oil is still snake oil no matter who sells it.

PS and saying democrat party instead of democratic makes the writer sound like an uneducated cracker.

"No, Mr. Trump, we will not all just get along. For as long as a threat to the state is the head of state, all citizens of good faith and national fidelity — and certainly this columnist — have an absolute obligation to meet you and your agenda with resistance at every turn....You don’t get a pat on the back for ratcheting down from rabid after exploiting that very radicalism to your advantage. Unrepentant opportunism belies a staggering lack of character and caring that can’t simply be vanquished from memory. You did real harm to this country and many of its citizens, and I will never — never — forget that. As I read the transcript and then listened to the audio, the slime factor was overwhelming." Charles M. Blow
Below is what the followers of Trump have sowed.

"The wave of violence and vile language that has risen since the election is only one immediate piece of evidence that this campaign’s reckless assertion of white identity comes at a huge cost. More and more people are being forced to recognize now what I learned early: Our country is susceptible to some of our worst instincts when the message is packaged correctly.

No checks and balances can redeem what we’ve unleashed. The reality is that half of the voters chose white supremacy, though saying that makes me a hypocrite. I was a much more extreme partisan than a vast majority of Trump voters and I never would have recognized that label."