Who is this American Warrior?


Whether or not you support this war, the last, the next, this is the American Warrior. They do not choose where or when to fight, but they will when called upon.

My dad did not want to fight. He did not want to be drafted. He hadn't a clue to where Hawaii was, nor did he care. But he was drafted. He went and he did what the warrior does.

So are the 18, 19 year olds today.

Whether or not you support this war, the last, the next, this is the American Warrior. They do not choose where or when to fight, but they will when called upon.

My dad did not want to fight. He did not want to be drafted. He hadn't a clue to where Hawaii was, nor did he care. But he was drafted. He went and he did what the warrior does.

So are the 18, 19 year olds today.

Here's one that if you listen through raises a $ for Fisher House:

Patriotism is not stupidly fighting for a bunch of bankers who will send your job overseas when the war is over. Fuck these people. The military fights for itself. We are on our own.
watermark, your too anti-war to be a communist. you'd never compare to me or kruschev or lenin or stalin or kim jong il or pol pot or colonel volgin or emma goldman olga gurokovich, denisova,