Claimed total power
Mass rally's to show status
Made closing their borders center piece
Big on mass detention and deportation
used borders to protect their selected industries.
Insist on loyalty oaths
subordinate women
extreme nationalism
Use lies to blur reality
They attack science
blame others and divide along racial lines
they attack democratic process.
Viciously attack main stream media
cement their rule by enriching elites
attack what is true.
Demonize opponents
Fire or get rid of anyone in your political support group that doesn’t support your lies or any aspect of your power.
and demand that their supporters do the same.
Claimed total power
Mass rally's to show status
Made closing their borders center piece
Big on mass detention and deportation
used borders to protect their selected industries.
Insist on loyalty oaths
subordinate women
extreme nationalism
Use lies to blur reality
They attack science
blame others and divide along racial lines
they attack democratic process.
Viciously attack main stream media
cement their rule by enriching elites
attack what is true.
Demonize opponents
Fire or get rid of anyone in your political support group that doesn’t support your lies or any aspect of your power.
and demand that their supporters do the same.