Who Looks Worst?


I saw my first "Hillary!" bumper sticker in the wild this morning and thought it a Sign. Time for a thread on the Democrats.

Who does everyone think came off worst in the current teapot-tempest between Obama and Clinton?

First off, I submit that Geffen himself behaved like an ass. His comments were, at best, distasteful and made him seem like a disloyal opportunist. That doesn't necessarily mean that Clinton was right in challenging Obama's silence on the subject, however.

My own opinion is that Hillary miscalculated. This isn't going to go over well with the liberal base at all. She's made herself look at once petty and judgmental. You can, though, make a case that Obama really should return the donation.
Obama's playing it smart. Keeping low and letting her hang herself. I think he understands that if the dems want to take the whitehouse (that is the bigger picture here) they shouldn't cannabalize one another during the primaries. All you do is give Republicans ammo for the election itself. I think made her self once again, look like a fool.
i think it benefits both, by keeping them in the news, perhaps?

I think it makes Hillary seem whiney and full of it. It reminds me of McCain. If obama wins the nod, she's going to be backing him lock and step. I just think you look stupid trashing someone one day and then become BFF the next.
IT establishes them as the front runners ahead of the field. Get rid of the others, then fight for the remaining votes.
Ornot, I agree with everything you say until your last sentence. (especially the part about Geffen being way out of line).

But I don't think you can make a case that Obama should return the money. It's not practical. Hollywood is a very large financier of Democrats. And it’s the one place they can go to get their money for nothing. These people don’t want souls in return for their money. This isn’t Enron money. These people, for all of the nasty stuff said about them, are our most altruistic political contributors. You know what they get for their millions? Higher taxes. And Geffen is a huge, huge, contributor. That’s why he knows he can say whatever he wants, no one can afford to cut him off. He showed bad taste (I mean going to Maureen Dowd alone screams “tacky”), and made what I feel is a destructive move for the Democratic party. I’d like to give him a good punch in the nose. But Obama can’t return the money.
"Who Looks Worst?"

Well, just answering this simple question, the answer is obivously Hillary. She is one scary looking person.

As far as this situation... Hillary came off as the loser.
Bottom line... Geffen is a US Citizen with the right to voice his opinion. Just because Hillary doesn't like what he said it is no reason to act like this is justification for Obama to give back the money raised. It makes her look extremely shallow and insecure. She is the loser.
Ornot, I agree with everything you say until your last sentence. (especially the part about Geffen being way out of line).

But I don't think you can make a case that Obama should return the money. It's not practical. Hollywood is a very large financier of Democrats. And it’s the one place they can go to get their money for nothing. These people don’t want souls in return for their money. This isn’t Enron money. These people, for all of the nasty stuff said about them, are our most altruistic political contributors. You know what they get for their millions? Higher taxes. And Geffen is a huge, huge, contributor. That’s why he knows he can say whatever he wants, no one can afford to cut him off. He showed bad taste (I mean going to Maureen Dowd alone screams “tacky”), and made what I feel is a destructive move for the Democratic party. I’d like to give him a good punch in the nose. But Obama can’t return the money.

You know Darla I dont agree with you on many things ... but I have to admit you really made me think on this one when you said "These people, for all of the nasty stuff said about them, are our most altruistic political contributors. You know what they get for their millions? Higher taxes." ... very good and very true.
But as Sfreak says ... Geffen is a US Citizen ..Not a Clinton Citizen.

That said ... I wish people would look beyond the Media Made Candidates.. the big 4..2 on each side.
Hence my thoughts on doing away with parties.
1. anyone that can get enough signatures on a petition are in as candidates.
2. No primaries.
3. Everyone is in the final election.
4. The one that gets the most votes is president.
5. The one with the second highest votes is Vice President.
6. No electorial college
7. No results released till the last poll in the country is closed.

Lets revive the American dream of anyone can be president (with constitutional restrictions of course).
1. anyone that can get enough signatures on a petition are in as candidates.
2. No primaries.
3. Everyone is in the final election.

I'll address the three above together. Anyone should be allowed to become a candidate provided they get the sigs. But they should be narrowed down by party, otherwise we could have ballots with 100 names on them. Which would be expensive AND confusing... especially to the easily confused seniors. Bottom line, primaries stay. But we should provide more equal time to the third party candidates. No debates unless the Green, Libertarian etc... are allowed to participate.

"4. The one that gets the most votes is president."

Nope. Electoral college still needs to exist. Otherwise politicians would just pander to the big cities.

"5. The one with the second highest votes is Vice President."

Would be interesting.

"6. No electorial college"

Bad idea.

"7. No results released till the last poll in the country is closed."

I agree with this one 100000000%. It is one of my biggest pet peeves with regards to the national elections.
Nope. Electoral college still needs to exist. Otherwise politicians would just pander to the big cities

How is this any different from today ?
On number one, so what, we have electronic balloting machines now.
Confusing ?, well too bad if you go to the polls with no idea who to vote for.
Electoral College should be kept.

But we could still expand the canidate base by any number of methods. We need more ideas in the presidency.

I also like the idea of a no confidence vote... some how where if the congress calls for it by a super-majority we get an early election. Just a way to get rid of a crack pot president.
Why should we keep the electorial college ?
I view it as an outdated thing which used to bee needed because of poor transportation and communication.

Or how about a no confidence option on the ballot, if it gets more votes than any candidates the voters are sysing we don't want any of these guys so we do it all over again with someone else.
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You know Darla I dont agree with you on many things ... but I have to admit you really made me think on this one when you said "These people, for all of the nasty stuff said about them, are our most altruistic political contributors. You know what they get for their millions? Higher taxes." ... very good and very true.
But as Sfreak says ... Geffen is a US Citizen ..Not a Clinton Citizen.

That said ... I wish people would look beyond the Media Made Candidates.. the big 4..2 on each side.

I agree that he has the right to say anything he wants to say. But I do think it was unnecessary. What was gained by this personal attack on the Clintons? He didn't have to say it, so why did he? And it's destructive to the democratic party, which is something that drives me crazy about leftists. I'm with them, but guess what? One way to insure that Republicans keep winning is to turn on and try and destroy your own. Why go there?
Why should we keep the electorial college ?
I view it as an outdated thing which used to bee needed because of poor transportation and communication.

Or how about a no confidence option on the ballot, if it gets more votes than any candidates the voters are sysing we don't want any of these guys so we do it all over again with someone else.

I belive that if we got rid of the EC, canidates would spend all of there time and gear all policies toward the coasts.... The interror of the nation would largely get ignored. Except for maybe Dallas, Houston, and Denver... Oh amd the mid-west... Chicago and all!