Who Needs Polls?


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No surprise here. Twenty-eight percent of parasites want to pack the court like a can of sardines:

Poll: 72 Percent of Independents Oppose Packing Supreme Court
by Wendell Husebo
24 Apr 2021


Nobody with a normal brain needs a poll. Simply estimate the number of parasites polled and you will always get an accurate opinion.

See this thread for my OPINION of polls:

I was 13 years old in 1947 when I saw Magic Town. I knew back then that polls were a hustle. Little did I know how far polling would go on television. In my dotage I realize that Rip Smith (James Stewart (1908 - 1997) is the father of polling.

Radio and motion pictures constituted mass communications before television. With that in mind, I believe that Magic Town was a major income boost for poll-takers. Magic Town reached a large audience; convincing many that opinion-polling was reputable.

Simply estimate the number of parasites polled and you will always get an accurate opinion.

I know what the Parasite Class’ opinion is:

As Joe Biden closes in on the 100-day mark of his presidency, a Fox News poll finds a 54 percent majority of voters approves of his job performance.

Biden approaches 100 days in office -- what do Americans think?
By Jack Durschlag


NOTE: Nobody believes the other networks. Of all the opinions networks report as news FOX is the least creditable ——and the most important —— because FOX has the largest number of conservative viewers.

Incidentally, I remember when Sean Hannity devoted several of his shows to Frank Luntz so he could manipulate the opinions of voluntary idiots:

Sean Hannity’s bunghole buddy —— Frank Luntz —— is the worst pollster I have ever seen.

GOP pollster Luntz blasts Trump campaign as worst he's ever seen
By Jonathan Easley
10/20/20 11:55 AM EDT


I do not know if Luntz asked anyone for their opinion about Biden’s theft?

POLLSTER Luntz should know that Trump talking about Biden’s corruption will not lose a single voter. In fact, it can only increase the total number of votes to Trump’s landslide victory on election day. Instead of Luntz putting the knock on Trump, he should be doing a poll to find out how many voters Biden’s campaign staff is losing every time China Joe tells another whopper to coverup Hunter’s crimes.

Polling the obvious is like asking ‘Do you like ice cream?’ An ice cream poll every now and then is necessary in order give newspeak propaganda polls legitimacy. Giving the Smiling Turd a 54 percent majority should be illegal:

As Joe Biden closes in on the 100-day mark of his presidency, a Fox News poll finds a 54 percent majority of voters approves of his job performance.​

Even a ‘good’ poll result from the liars at FOX comes in on the low side with a saver pointing out an 8 point drop from 2011:



Fox News Poll: 77% support requiring photo ID for voting
By Dana Blanton
