Who remembers sitting in this type desk in elementary school?


Well-known member
Just a little nostalgia to break the boredom of current events.

Do you know what the hole was for?

Just a little nostalgia to break the boredom of current events.

Do you know what the hole was for?


As a Gen Xer I feel like we still had those. Got me thinking how long it's been since I've been in a classroom. I'm assuming kids don't use those today? haha
I never sat in one that old

I was schooled in So Cal in the 60s and on

pretty much all new schools with new equipment
I knew that was too easy I'll try harder next time.

Nah, it brought back some memories. My mom was a letter-writer. She only used a fountain pen with an inkwell. Her cursive was beautiful. I used to lean over the table and watch her write and ask her what it said because we hadn't learned cursive in school yet. She told me it was magic. I really thought that the pen was what enabled the mysterious and beautiful writing and one day when she was downstairs doing laundry I got it out to try it myself. Oh boy, did that make a mess. And there was no magic writing either. lol