Who Said Climate Change Is A National Threat?

Cadillac Man

New member
That would be the very Republican House in a stern rebuke to Trump and strange British climate change deniers out there.


The bill includes a section that says global warming is “a direct threat to the national security.” It’s a potentially surprising addition given Trump’s publicly stated doubts about climate change and his recent decision to pull the U.S. out of the landmark accord aimed at combatting global warming.
The section requires the Pentagon to deliver a report to Congress detailing the impact of climate change on the armed forces. The climate change report also is to list the 10 military bases most vulnerable to rising oceans, increased flooding, wildfires and other effects of climate change.

"The bill authorizes $696 billion in defense spending for the 2018 fiscal year, including nearly $30 billion more for core Pentagon operations than President Donald Trump requested."

A House bill is not law, BTW. Thought you should know.

"The bill authorizes $696 billion in defense spending for the 2018 fiscal year, including nearly $30 billion more for core Pentagon operations than President Donald Trump requested."

A House bill is not law, BTW. Thought you should know.

I'm aware of that. It's called a budget request. But clarify, please...are you saying that statement is not within the budget?
That's but one denominator.

According to this study, sea levels remained unchanged for 2000 years then started inching forward at the beginning of the last century.


What's the opinion of Parliament on climate change?

All throughout that report are things like this: "Observations suggest that the rate of global sea-level rise may be accelerating." , "If the rate of sea-level rise accelerates significantly," Lot of "ifs", "suggests", "could possibly" etc throughout that whole pile of bullshit. Not one "definite", "is happening", "has documented proof" or anything like that. Shiny baubles.