Heck yea Cops have a sense of humor.
I know a local Cop...Roscoe Rules. Roscoe isn't his real first name but he always referenced his gun and his pecker as "His Roscoe" so everyone started calling him Roscoe.
Roscoe is like Billy only ten times worse. He hates everyone...which makes him the most unbiased police officer around. He's also an insufferable prick. You know....one of those guys on a power trip who is bound and determined to shoot an innocent civilian?
Having said that Roscoe does have a sense of humor and he exihibited his in glorious fashion a few years back during a traffic accident that made him a local legend.
Some dumbass gear heads were drag racing down on the bottoms one Saturday evening when one of the idiots T-boned a couple who had just left their wedding reception killing one of the gear heads and the newly wed couple.
Roscoe was called to the scene where he was working traffic control. He looked over the situation and he assessed it for a situation just right for some great comedy but he needed the right victim. Eventually a middle aged housewife pulled up...you know the nosy busy body type that rubber necks at a traffic accident? Well she slows down and says to Roscoe..."Pretty bad accideent ehh officer?" Roscoe replies. "Yea...pretty bad". The busy body then asks "Anyone hurt?" Roscoe then lifts up the head of the decapitated bride with one hand and said "Yeah this ones pretty shook up.".
Guess you could have heard that busy body screaming a mile away....but that's ole Roscoe for you. One hell of a sense of humor for a Cop.