Who used the extra stats that I put on the bottom?


Staff member
I have reset the extra stats now that I don't need quite as much bandwidth savings. Who uses them? If there isn't enough I'll take them back down, no need to have the bandwidth used up just to use it up.
I have reset the extra stats now that I don't need quite as much bandwidth savings. Who uses them? If there isn't enough I'll take them back down, no need to have the bandwidth used up just to use it up.
Obviously I don't either---I have no idea what you are referring to.
Well Damo, looks like ole Bottleborne is the only one who "uses" them. I think we both know he has no f'ing idea what they even mean, so I'd say...safe to get rid of them.
Well Damo, looks like ole Bottleborne is the only one who "uses" them. I think we both know he has no f'ing idea what they even mean, so I'd say...safe to get rid of them.



I honestly don't even know what the f Damo is talking about. So, nuke it Damo!
Well Damo, looks like ole Bottleborne is the only one who "uses" them. I think we both know he has no f'ing idea what they even mean, so I'd say...safe to get rid of them.

lol...this from Daquri darla...never mind 'Tequilla Sunrise' darla...sorry hun ya should have figured out by now that I am a two beer kinda guy...check with slick cippie though...I think he may graduate to Martinis 'shaken but not stirred' pretty soon...he is grasping for straws!
Well, I look at them from time to time, and I consider it interesting. I couldn't imagine it taking up so much bandwidth that it would make anything more that a negligible difference. No reason to really take them down.
Well, I look at them from time to time, and I consider it interesting. I couldn't imagine it taking up so much bandwidth that it would make anything more that a negligible difference. No reason to really take them down.

...carefull now cippie and darla will no doubt attack your intel on this comment...lmao
I haven't noticed any slowdown since I put them back in, I think they'll stay unless I notice something. I took them out over on the other server because it was so slow, I didn't want to add even the smallest drag.
Oh! Actually I do read those. My Christofacists post was at the top of one of them for a while.

Its all I raved about for two months.

It's a bunch of stats about how often the top 3 post, and what not. Bottleborne thinks they're OTB results.

Do you have a drinking problem? Or do you just go with the liberal mentality that if you say it long enough it will stick?
Enough of the overused 'Bottleborne' ya may need to seek out your nearest AA establishment...or seek professional help...or just grow up...that would be nice!
It's at the bottom of the page, T...

Under "Top 3 stats"...

You've probably seen it before, just never taken the time to notice the title.
ROTFLMBO I just check them out, and while I am sure they are interesting to some of you, I have a question. How in HELL could Battleborne
"USE them? Read them yes. but use them??? the only way he could use them is if he quoted them, and I seriously doubt even he is about to do that.
ROTFLMBO I just check them out, and while I am sure they are interesting to some of you, I have a question. How in HELL could Battleborne
"USE them? Read them yes. but use them??? the only way he could use them is if he quoted them, and I seriously doubt even he is about to do that.
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