APP - Who will be more devastated by a loss in November


Former Vice President
Will it be Trump supporters or Crooked ILLary supporters? I argue that it will be Crooked ILLary supporters. I think Trump supporters feel they have nothing more to lose and that the United States is crashing down anyway. They are used to losing elections with the likes of Romney and McShamnesty. But, I think hard core Clintoon loyalists will come unhinged. It was not supposed to be this way. They expected to win.

You can see some realization on the part of the democrat party with posts like Jarod's today where he seems to be coming to grips with a President Trump and already rationalizing it as a "good thing"

What say you?
Will it be Trump supporters or Crooked ILLary supporters? I argue that it will be Crooked ILLary supporters. I think Trump supporters feel they have nothing more to lose and that the United States is crashing down anyway. They are used to losing elections with the likes of Romney and McShamnesty. But, I think hard core Clintoon loyalists will come unhinged. It was not supposed to be this way. They expected to win.

You can see some realization on the part of the democrat party with posts like Jarod's today where he seems to be coming to grips with a President Trump and already rationalizing it as a "good thing"

What say you?

I think you are 100% correct; but my prediction is that it will be a Trump win. I can't wait to watch the idiots meltdown. Maybe this time they really will leave the country as they promised for Bush.