Who Will Be The Democrat Party’s Next Traitor?


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A young Bernie Sanders was cut from the same cloth as John Kerry:

For the record, Senator Fulbright mentored a traitor who became president —— William J. Clinton:

As antiwar sentiment spread across the country in the early 1970s, a young Bernie Sanders accused the United States of committing atrocities on par with those of Nazi Germany, saying U.S. military action in Vietnam was "almost as bad as what Hitler did."

Speaking to a class of ninth graders during his 1972 gubernatorial run in Vermont, Sanders accused the United States of committing atrocities the students would not believe and defended the communist North Vietnamese fighters, according to reporting in the Rutland Herald, a Vermont newspaper. Sanders compared U.S. actions in Vietnam to those of Adolf Hitler, who murdered some six million Jews.

The American military undertook actions that were "almost as bad as what Hitler did," the paper quoted Sanders as saying to the class of around 30 students at Rutland Junior High School.

Sanders, who declared himself a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War, said during his remarks to the class that the North Vietnamese were not his enemy. "They're a very, very poor people. Some of them don't have shoes," Sanders said. "They eat rice when they can get it. And they have been fighting for the freedom of their country for 25 years. They can hardly fight back."

More than 58,000 American military members died or went missing in the Vietnam War.

Sanders's past is facing increased scrutiny as he has surged to frontrunner status ahead of the Iowa caucus next week. Sanders has already courted controversy for hiring several individuals who have espoused anti-Israel views. The Washington Free Beacon reported on Tuesday, for instance, that a top Sanders campaign surrogate had claimed the United States orchestrated the 9/11 terror attacks in New York City.

Sanders prefaced his remarks to the students with a warning, according to the paper. "Some things I'm going to say may upset you," he said. "But I have to say them."

These "things" included a defense of North Vietnamese fighters and accusations that "a few rich, powerful individuals control many events in the country," according to the report.

The students are reported to have objected to Sanders's assertion that the United States acted as a conquering force in Vietnam, as well as his position that those who evaded the draft should be granted amnesty, saying that it would not be fair to parents of soldiers killed in the war.

The Oct. 19, 1972, Rutland Herald article can be viewed in full here.

Sanders, then running as a member of the Liberty Union party, was an inconsequential actor in the 1972 election—he received 2,175 votes, amounting to just over 1 percent of the vote, according to Vermont election records.

Sanders is currently running on an antiwar platform that includes opposition to the use of U.S. military force against Iran and other regional state sponsors of terrorism.

Sanders's antiwar activism is well documented and has been raised as a concern during past elections. During the 2016 cycle, a Des Moines Register column by a Vietnam veteran questioned whether someone who views the military as Sanders does could be trusted as commander in chief.

"How on earth could a person claiming to be a conscientious objector become the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world?" wrote Steve Wikert, a Vietnam veteran.

The Sanders campaign did not respond to a Free Beacon request for comment on the senator's remarks.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: U.S. Actions in Vietnam ‘Almost as Bad as What Hitler Did’
Adam Kredo
January 31, 2020 5:00 AM


My point. Two traitors, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, were the Democrat Party’s candidate for president. Either one of two more Vietnam era traitors, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, stand a good chance of becoming the Democrat Party’s candidate this year —— three if Hillary Clinton gets a brokered convention.

When the number of known-traitors in the U.S. Senate is added to every Democrat, and a few Rino, my oft-stated definition of the U.S. Senate is confirmed —— A nest of traitors.

In their youth Democrats claimed they were loyal Americans opposing an unjust war. Many of those young Vietnam era Democrat traitors occupy high places today while their rhetoric has not changed by one iota.

Abbr. rhet.

1. a. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively. b. A treatise or book discussing this art.

2. Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.

3. a. A style of speaking or writing, especially the language of a particular subject: fiery political rhetoric. b. Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.

4. Verbal communication; discourse.

In truth, Democrats bringing defeat to their own country is the highpoint of their treacherous lives. That is why they can never admit they were demonstrating FOR Communism and AGAINST the men and women who understood that fighting to defeat Communism in SE Asia was essential. The men and women who sacrificed so much in Vietnam are the Americans John Kerry & Company despise to this day.

Let me close with a successful Democrat Party conspiracy that was responsible for killing thousands of U.S. Military personnel fighting to defend this country on the other side of the world:

You cannot put an ideology on trial in a criminal court, but Socialists/Communists can be put on trial for their greatest political victory. DEFEATING THIS COUNTRY IN VIETNAM.

The charge should be murdering thousands of American military personnel. It is shameful that nobody ever made it right for all the men who died in Vietnam after John Kerry et al. prolonged the war long enough to bring defeat to this country:

Next to the Vietnam Wall, we need a John Kerry/Fonda Wall of Shame listing those who prominently blasphemed the Vietnam GI. And let’s add the names of every member of Congress who voted in December 1974 to betray our allies and leave them to be slaughtered by an evil, vicious enemy.

'Beyond shameful': Don't fall for this deceitful Vietnam flick
Posted By Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady On 11/01/2017 @ 7:24 pm


The Vietnam War is not on Delaware’s War Memorial:

NEW CASTLE, Del. — Joe Biden made his first in-person appearance in more than two months on Monday as he marked Memorial Day by laying a wreath at a veterans park near his Delaware home.

Biden makes first in-person appearance in more than 2 months for Memorial Day remembrance
Will Weissert, Associated Press
Published 12:13 p.m. ET May 25, 2020
Updated 10:19 a.m. ET May 26, 2020


Naturally, Senile Joe came out of his rat hole to honor the men who fought for the United Nations in Korea. Biden was first elected because he opposed the Vietnam War years after the shooting stopped in Korea.



Biden had good reason not to visit the Vietnam Wall in the nation’s capital. He is deathly afraid somebody would use a white crayon to highlight the names of the men and women his pal, John Kerry, got killed:

In the 1970's, he testified against his fellow Vietnam War veterans before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He charged that they were violating the Geneva Conventions every day in Vietnam. Some POWs were outraged at Kerry's disloyal statements. They said they had been tortured by their Communist captors trying to force them to make such untrue statements.

Worse, Kerry went to Paris in 1971. There, he met with North Vietnamese Communists. We need to see all his notes from those meetings. Any negotiation between a private U.S. citizen and a foreign power is illegal. It violates the Logan Act of 1798. Did Kerry demand of the North Vietnamese Communists that they abide by the Geneva Convention? Or is that only a demand he made of his fellow Americans?

We do not charge Kerry with treason in the statements and actions he engaged in then. Treason consists of giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States. But this country has set a very high bar for conviction for treason -- ever since the Burr Treason Trial of 1807. Nonetheless, we do say Kerry's actions and statements then were not those to which America's top diplomat should be linked. What was he thinking?

December 22, 2012
Question John Kerry Long and Hard!
By Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison


“As a national leader of VVAW, Kerry campaigned against the effort of the United States to contain the spread of Communism. He used the blood of servicemen still in the field for his own political advancement by claiming that their blood was being shed unnecessarily or in vain.... Under Kerry’s leadership, VVAW members mocked the uniform of United States soldiers by wearing tattered fatigues marked with pro-communist graffiti. They dishonored America by marching in demonstrations under the flag of the Viet Cong enemy.”

John Kerry: Obama’s “Perfect Choice” For Secretary of State
December 22, 2012 By John Perazzo



You cannot put an ideology on trial in a criminal court, but Socialists/Communists can be put on trial for their greatest political victory. DEFEATING THIS COUNTRY IN VIETNAM.

The charge should be murdering thousands of American military personnel. It is shameful that nobody ever made it right for all the men who died in Vietnam after John Kerry et al. prolonged the war long enough to bring defeat to this country:

Next to the Vietnam Wall, we need a John Kerry/Fonda Wall of Shame listing those who prominently blasphemed the Vietnam GI. And let’s add the names of every member of Congress who voted in December 1974 to betray our allies and leave them to be slaughtered by an evil, vicious enemy.

'Beyond shameful': Don't fall for this deceitful Vietnam flick
Posted By Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady On 11/01/2017 @ 7:24 pm


The Democratic Party of the Jackass hates America and want to turn it into another Socialistic Utopian shit hole. ;)

For the record, Senator Fulbright mentored a traitor who became president —— William J. Clinton:

Fulbright supported and defended another traitor who almost became president.

John Kerry's testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 11:05 a.m., in Room 4221, New Senate Office Building, Senator J. W. Fulbright (Chairman) presiding.


In short: Fulbright was guilty of a lot more than signing a Manifesto:

From left to right: Benjamin Laney, Guy E. Williams, William Fulbright, and Carl E. Bailey pose for a photograph at Lake Chicot, August 10, 1944. Laney later served as governor and led the segregationist Dixiecrat faction in Arkansas. Fulbright served as a U.S. Senator and signed the Southern Manifesto. Bailey Family Photograph Collection, ca. 1895-1964 (UALR.PH.0083), UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture.


Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright


The monuments to the framers of The Southern Manifesto of 1956
By Lee Cary
June 13, 2020

A young Bernie Sanders was cut from the same cloth as John Kerry:

For the record, Senator Fulbright mentored a traitor who became president —— William J. Clinton:

As antiwar sentiment spread across the country in the early 1970s, a young Bernie Sanders accused the United States of committing atrocities on par with those of Nazi Germany, saying U.S. military action in Vietnam was "almost as bad as what Hitler did."

Speaking to a class of ninth graders during his 1972 gubernatorial run in Vermont, Sanders accused the United States of committing atrocities the students would not believe and defended the communist North Vietnamese fighters, according to reporting in the Rutland Herald, a Vermont newspaper. Sanders compared U.S. actions in Vietnam to those of Adolf Hitler, who murdered some six million Jews.

The American military undertook actions that were "almost as bad as what Hitler did," the paper quoted Sanders as saying to the class of around 30 students at Rutland Junior High School.

Sanders, who declared himself a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War, said during his remarks to the class that the North Vietnamese were not his enemy. "They're a very, very poor people. Some of them don't have shoes," Sanders said. "They eat rice when they can get it. And they have been fighting for the freedom of their country for 25 years. They can hardly fight back."

More than 58,000 American military members died or went missing in the Vietnam War.

Sanders's past is facing increased scrutiny as he has surged to frontrunner status ahead of the Iowa caucus next week. Sanders has already courted controversy for hiring several individuals who have espoused anti-Israel views. The Washington Free Beacon reported on Tuesday, for instance, that a top Sanders campaign surrogate had claimed the United States orchestrated the 9/11 terror attacks in New York City.

Sanders prefaced his remarks to the students with a warning, according to the paper. "Some things I'm going to say may upset you," he said. "But I have to say them."

These "things" included a defense of North Vietnamese fighters and accusations that "a few rich, powerful individuals control many events in the country," according to the report.

The students are reported to have objected to Sanders's assertion that the United States acted as a conquering force in Vietnam, as well as his position that those who evaded the draft should be granted amnesty, saying that it would not be fair to parents of soldiers killed in the war.

The Oct. 19, 1972, Rutland Herald article can be viewed in full here.

Sanders, then running as a member of the Liberty Union party, was an inconsequential actor in the 1972 election—he received 2,175 votes, amounting to just over 1 percent of the vote, according to Vermont election records.

Sanders is currently running on an antiwar platform that includes opposition to the use of U.S. military force against Iran and other regional state sponsors of terrorism.

Sanders's antiwar activism is well documented and has been raised as a concern during past elections. During the 2016 cycle, a Des Moines Register column by a Vietnam veteran questioned whether someone who views the military as Sanders does could be trusted as commander in chief.

"How on earth could a person claiming to be a conscientious objector become the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world?" wrote Steve Wikert, a Vietnam veteran.

The Sanders campaign did not respond to a Free Beacon request for comment on the senator's remarks.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: U.S. Actions in Vietnam ‘Almost as Bad as What Hitler Did’
Adam Kredo
January 31, 2020 5:00 AM


My point. Two traitors, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, were the Democrat Party’s candidate for president. Either one of two more Vietnam era traitors, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, stand a good chance of becoming the Democrat Party’s candidate this year —— three if Hillary Clinton gets a brokered convention.

When the number of known-traitors in the U.S. Senate is added to every Democrat, and a few Rino, my oft-stated definition of the U.S. Senate is confirmed —— A nest of traitors.

In their youth Democrats claimed they were loyal Americans opposing an unjust war. Many of those young Vietnam era Democrat traitors occupy high places today while their rhetoric has not changed by one iota.

Abbr. rhet.

1. a. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively. b. A treatise or book discussing this art.

2. Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.

3. a. A style of speaking or writing, especially the language of a particular subject: fiery political rhetoric. b. Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.

4. Verbal communication; discourse.

In truth, Democrats bringing defeat to their own country is the highpoint of their treacherous lives. That is why they can never admit they were demonstrating FOR Communism and AGAINST the men and women who understood that fighting to defeat Communism in SE Asia was essential. The men and women who sacrificed so much in Vietnam are the Americans John Kerry & Company despise to this day.

Let me close with a successful Democrat Party conspiracy that was responsible for killing thousands of U.S. Military personnel fighting to defend this country on the other side of the world:

You cannot put an ideology on trial in a criminal court, but Socialists/Communists can be put on trial for their greatest political victory. DEFEATING THIS COUNTRY IN VIETNAM.

The charge should be murdering thousands of American military personnel. It is shameful that nobody ever made it right for all the men who died in Vietnam after John Kerry et al. prolonged the war long enough to bring defeat to this country:

Next to the Vietnam Wall, we need a John Kerry/Fonda Wall of Shame listing those who prominently blasphemed the Vietnam GI. And let’s add the names of every member of Congress who voted in December 1974 to betray our allies and leave them to be slaughtered by an evil, vicious enemy.

'Beyond shameful': Don't fall for this deceitful Vietnam flick
Posted By Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady On 11/01/2017 @ 7:24 pm



Didn't read!

I just know this is one hateful asshole that likes to run his hateful mouth- so I just skip over his online RANTS!
A young Bernie Sanders was cut from the same cloth as John Kerry:

For the record, Senator Fulbright mentored a traitor who became president —— William J. Clinton:

As antiwar sentiment spread across the country in the early 1970s, a young Bernie Sanders accused the United States of committing atrocities on par with those of Nazi Germany, saying U.S. military action in Vietnam was "almost as bad as what Hitler did."

Speaking to a class of ninth graders during his 1972 gubernatorial run in Vermont, Sanders accused the United States of committing atrocities the students would not believe and defended the communist North Vietnamese fighters, according to reporting in the Rutland Herald, a Vermont newspaper. Sanders compared U.S. actions in Vietnam to those of Adolf Hitler, who murdered some six million Jews.

The American military undertook actions that were "almost as bad as what Hitler did," the paper quoted Sanders as saying to the class of around 30 students at Rutland Junior High School.

Sanders, who declared himself a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War, said during his remarks to the class that the North Vietnamese were not his enemy. "They're a very, very poor people. Some of them don't have shoes," Sanders said. "They eat rice when they can get it. And they have been fighting for the freedom of their country for 25 years. They can hardly fight back."

More than 58,000 American military members died or went missing in the Vietnam War.

Sanders's past is facing increased scrutiny as he has surged to frontrunner status ahead of the Iowa caucus next week. Sanders has already courted controversy for hiring several individuals who have espoused anti-Israel views. The Washington Free Beacon reported on Tuesday, for instance, that a top Sanders campaign surrogate had claimed the United States orchestrated the 9/11 terror attacks in New York City.

Sanders prefaced his remarks to the students with a warning, according to the paper. "Some things I'm going to say may upset you," he said. "But I have to say them."

These "things" included a defense of North Vietnamese fighters and accusations that "a few rich, powerful individuals control many events in the country," according to the report.

The students are reported to have objected to Sanders's assertion that the United States acted as a conquering force in Vietnam, as well as his position that those who evaded the draft should be granted amnesty, saying that it would not be fair to parents of soldiers killed in the war.

The Oct. 19, 1972, Rutland Herald article can be viewed in full here.

Sanders, then running as a member of the Liberty Union party, was an inconsequential actor in the 1972 election—he received 2,175 votes, amounting to just over 1 percent of the vote, according to Vermont election records.

Sanders is currently running on an antiwar platform that includes opposition to the use of U.S. military force against Iran and other regional state sponsors of terrorism.

Sanders's antiwar activism is well documented and has been raised as a concern during past elections. During the 2016 cycle, a Des Moines Register column by a Vietnam veteran questioned whether someone who views the military as Sanders does could be trusted as commander in chief.

"How on earth could a person claiming to be a conscientious objector become the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world?" wrote Steve Wikert, a Vietnam veteran.

The Sanders campaign did not respond to a Free Beacon request for comment on the senator's remarks.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: U.S. Actions in Vietnam ‘Almost as Bad as What Hitler Did’
Adam Kredo
January 31, 2020 5:00 AM


My point. Two traitors, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, were the Democrat Party’s candidate for president. Either one of two more Vietnam era traitors, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, stand a good chance of becoming the Democrat Party’s candidate this year —— three if Hillary Clinton gets a brokered convention.

When the number of known-traitors in the U.S. Senate is added to every Democrat, and a few Rino, my oft-stated definition of the U.S. Senate is confirmed —— A nest of traitors.

In their youth Democrats claimed they were loyal Americans opposing an unjust war. Many of those young Vietnam era Democrat traitors occupy high places today while their rhetoric has not changed by one iota.

Abbr. rhet.

1. a. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively. b. A treatise or book discussing this art.

2. Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.

3. a. A style of speaking or writing, especially the language of a particular subject: fiery political rhetoric. b. Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.

4. Verbal communication; discourse.

In truth, Democrats bringing defeat to their own country is the highpoint of their treacherous lives. That is why they can never admit they were demonstrating FOR Communism and AGAINST the men and women who understood that fighting to defeat Communism in SE Asia was essential. The men and women who sacrificed so much in Vietnam are the Americans John Kerry & Company despise to this day.

Let me close with a successful Democrat Party conspiracy that was responsible for killing thousands of U.S. Military personnel fighting to defend this country on the other side of the world:

You cannot put an ideology on trial in a criminal court, but Socialists/Communists can be put on trial for their greatest political victory. DEFEATING THIS COUNTRY IN VIETNAM.

The charge should be murdering thousands of American military personnel. It is shameful that nobody ever made it right for all the men who died in Vietnam after John Kerry et al. prolonged the war long enough to bring defeat to this country:

Next to the Vietnam Wall, we need a John Kerry/Fonda Wall of Shame listing those who prominently blasphemed the Vietnam GI. And let’s add the names of every member of Congress who voted in December 1974 to betray our allies and leave them to be slaughtered by an evil, vicious enemy.

'Beyond shameful': Don't fall for this deceitful Vietnam flick
Posted By Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady On 11/01/2017 @ 7:24 pm



Fantastic post, thank you.
Didn't read!

I just know this is one hateful asshole that likes to run his hateful mouth- so I just skip over his online RANTS!

THAT would be because you don't know HOW to read, ya fartknocker. PLEASE stick to commenting on music, it's the ONLY topic you appear to have ANY knowledge of. Thank you.;)
Fulbright supported and defended another traitor who almost became president.

John Kerry's testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 11:05 a.m., in Room 4221, New Senate Office Building, Senator J. W. Fulbright (Chairman) presiding.


In short: Fulbright was guilty of a lot more than signing a Manifesto:

From left to right: Benjamin Laney, Guy E. Williams, William Fulbright, and Carl E. Bailey pose for a photograph at Lake Chicot, August 10, 1944. Laney later served as governor and led the segregationist Dixiecrat faction in Arkansas. Fulbright served as a U.S. Senator and signed the Southern Manifesto. Bailey Family Photograph Collection, ca. 1895-1964 (UALR.PH.0083), UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture.


Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright


The monuments to the framers of The Southern Manifesto of 1956
By Lee Cary
June 13, 2020


ANOTHER fine post, thank you.
The Vietnam War is not on Delaware’s War Memorial:

NEW CASTLE, Del. — Joe Biden made his first in-person appearance in more than two months on Monday as he marked Memorial Day by laying a wreath at a veterans park near his Delaware home.

Biden makes first in-person appearance in more than 2 months for Memorial Day remembrance
Will Weissert, Associated Press
Published 12:13 p.m. ET May 25, 2020
Updated 10:19 a.m. ET May 26, 2020


Naturally, Senile Joe came out of his rat hole to honor the men who fought for the United Nations in Korea. Biden was first elected because he opposed the Vietnam War years after the shooting stopped in Korea.

Biden had good reason not to visit the Vietnam Wall in the nation’s capital. He is deathly afraid somebody would use a white crayon to highlight the names of the men and women his pal, John Kerry, got killed:

Yet another fine post. Thank you.