APP - Who will Crooked Hillary pick as VP?


Former Vice President
Since the lefties don't want to talk about it, I guess it falls to me to have a civil conversation about who Crooked Hillary will pick for her VP

The names I have heard floated are:

1) Tim Kaine
2) Elizabeth Warren
3) Sherrod Brown
4) Julian Castro

I have long since thought it would be Julian Castro. I don't think it will be Brown because she won't want to have a Republican governor nominate Browns replacement. It won't be Warren for two reasons; one is the same as Brown and the other is that like Palin did to McShamnesty, Warren would outshine Crooked Hillary on the campaign stump. Warren would draw more people to her events than Crooked Hillary would draw to hers. The Clinton campaign cannot have that.

I think it will be Julian Castro because the only real chance Crooked Hillary has is increasing the number of hispanic voters who turnout. It matters little if they support her in high percentages if they don't turn out. That is why the democrat party is so desperate to import more of them. They need more voters.
She's hurting among Latinos certainly so he seems obvious. But if she's not a lock will he be OK with going down with the ship ? I think Kaine is the only one stupidc enough to do it. Been watching him as he was local Pol here.
She's hurting among Latinos certainly so he seems obvious. But if she's not a lock will he be OK with going down with the ship ? I think Kaine is the only one stupidc enough to do it. Been watching him as he was local Pol here.

That is an interesting point about Castro. He obviously thinks he has a political future and despite the words of JPP lefties, I think they are very worried about her campaign. I do find it interesting that the lefties on this board are not interested in who she will pick. Now of course when she does make the announcement, they will all declare it the best pick she could have possibly made and nobody would have been better. I suspect they don't want to go on record speculating because they are afraid to be wrong and don't want to give us any ammunition?
That is an interesting point about Castro. He obviously thinks he has a political future and despite the words of JPP lefties, I think they are very worried about her campaign. I do find it interesting that the lefties on this board are not interested in who she will pick. Now of course when she does make the announcement, they will all declare it the best pick she could have possibly made and nobody would have been better. I suspect they don't want to go on record speculating because they are afraid to be wrong and don't want to give us any ammunition?

Yup. Some got burned backing Sanders. That alone was unusual so they won't do it twice.

Vp for her will not be easy. Few are good to risk a loss. It's basically suicide anymore. It's perfect for Kaine as its the only way up for him. He does not want for ambition but he's just not got plusses much like hrc.
Yup. Some got burned backing Sanders. That alone was unusual so they won't do it twice.

Vp for her will not be easy. Few are good to risk a loss. It's basically suicide anymore. It's perfect for Kaine as its the only way up for him. He does not want for ambition but he's just not got plusses much like hrc.

I was thinking Castro, but you have made some good points about Kaine. He is the safe choice. I think she is really going to need to non white vote to turn out in record numbers. Forget the percentages, if she doesn't get the turnout Obama got, she is toast. They don't call them minorities for nothing. I don't see the black vote getting off the couch for her like they did Obama. Nobody really cares about the first woman president save a few retread feminists trolling this board