Who will they come for next ? More lawbreakers.


Villified User
Hispanic groups call for moratorium on work raids

By Jim Forsyth Thu Dec 21, 4:52 PM ET

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. Hispanic groups and activists on Thursday called for a moratorium on workplace raids to round up illegal immigrants, saying they were reminiscent of Nazi crackdowns on Jews in the 1930s.

They accused the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement of "racial profiling," or selective enforcement against Hispanics, for arresting 1,300 workers on immigration violations in December 12 raids at meatpacking plants in six states.

"We are demanding an end to these immigration raids, where they are targeting brown faces. That is major, major racial profiling, and that cannot be tolerated," said Rosa Rosales, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, at a news conference.

"This unfortunately reminds me of when Hitler began rounding up the Jews for no reason and locking them up," Democratic Party activist Carla Vela said. "Now they're coming for the Latinos, who will they come for next?"


Those poor lawbreakers......
The sad thing is that our gummit will probably knuckle down to these types of demands....
Knuckle down? LOL. They have to be pushed and prodded into doing them in the first place... They'll just feel all better to have a "reason" to ignore the problem.