Who would have thought China was full of Republicans ?


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Chinese firm dodged inspection of pet food, U.S. says
By David Barboza
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

SHANGHAI: A Chinese company accused of selling contaminated wheat gluten to pet food suppliers in the United States failed to disclose to China's export authorities that it was shipping food or feed to the United States, thereby avoiding having its goods inspected, according to U.S. regulators.

Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Development, one of two Chinese companies at the center of the massive pet food recall after thousands of animals were killed and sickened, had shipped more than 700 tons of wheat gluten labeled as "nonfood" products earlier this year through a third party, a Chinese textile company.

The "nonfood" designation meant the company's shipments were not subject to mandatory inspection by the Chinese government.
