Who would like to join my new "hate group."

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No doubt that is what it would be considered to be. (As if I care) What would a member of this new "hate group" be called? A White Existacist. (I had to coin a new word for that) As in Whites who think that they have a right to EXIST! What does it take to join? If you are White, just say that you support the continued existence of White people. Then, you're in!

Also, in about 1990, the Northern Spotted Owl was endangered. Steps were taken to protect it. I can guarantee you that similar steps MUST be taken to protect White people. President biden said that White Supremacists were the most lethal threat to America. But he can fuck off and DIE! Does it matter what country the Northern Spotted Owl lives in? What you are is far more important than what political cult you may live under or what flag it flies. As it is, only about .5 out of 10 people on this planet are white. Many want to see you destroyed. My advice is to not let them do so. I could show you some interesting things on this point. But I can't for some reason.
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'White People' have done pretty well for themselves. Contrary to popular demand, I don't think they are going anywhere.
'White People' have done pretty well for themselves. Contrary to popular demand, I don't think they are going anywhere.

They are being bred out of existence. The population of non-whites is growing. Every single dasy there are about 230,000 more peoploe on the planet than there was the day before. But the population of Whites isn't increasing. In some places, it is even going down a little. Also, try to find a TV commercial that shows a black guy that doesn't show a White female either just before or after. Or vice versa. The overt message? It's ok for black guys and White girls to be together.
This next video shows some cops investigating a shooting in a black neighborhood getting attacked by blacks. Though are a few blacks that try to protect them. A little into it, keep an eye out for a White female reporter who gets knocked to the ground by being punched in the face.

This next video shows some religious fanatics. The last group call themselves the black hebrew israelites. They don't like Whites either.


Here are some memes of the kinds of "people" who rule over you. I have many more. But these should do.

jewish filth, large.jpg
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So were you a punk for The Aryan Nation, or what?

I take it you're the type who has been brainwashed into getting sexual gratification out of being anti-White. Or being against "racism." Either agree or disagree with what I posted. Otherwise, don't bother me.
I take it you're the type who has been brainwashed into getting sexual gratification out of being anti-White. Or being against "racism." Either agree or disagree with what I posted. Otherwise, don't bother me.

Motherfucker I am a cracker. When they say "cracker", it's me they're talking about. :rolleyes:

IDGAF! But you're one kookoo nutty "white supremacist" strange bird.

I'm a FL cracker, and there's good black people that come from FL..We speak the same language. A language yankees and outsiders don't understand.

I'm not advocating for miscegeny, but it does happen sometimes. It damn sure shouldn't happen ALL the time like they show on the damn TV. :palm:

It is what it is. :dunno:
Motherfucker I am a cracker. When they say "cracker", it's me they're talking about. :rolleyes:

IDGAF! But you're one kookoo nutty "white supremacist" strange bird.

I'm a FL cracker, and there's good black people that come from FL..We speak the same language. A language yankees and outsiders don't understand.

I'm not advocating for miscegeny, but it does happen sometimes. It damn sure shouldn't happen ALL the time like they show on the damn TV. :palm:

It is what it is. :dunno:

If you want to be insulting and say conflicting things, say them to someone else. I don't have time for them. Welcome to ignore land.
They are being bred out of existence. The population of non-whites is growing. Every single dasy there are about 230,000 more peoploe on the planet than there was the day before. But the population of Whites isn't increasing. In some places, it is even going down a little. Also, try to find a TV commercial that shows a black guy that doesn't show a White female either just before or after. Or vice versa. The overt message? It's ok for black guys and White girls to be together.

I think it's more about 'ideology' than 'race'.
I take it you're the type who has been brainwashed into getting sexual gratification out of being anti-White. Or being against "racism." Either agree or disagree with what I posted. Otherwise, don't bother me.

No he's saying you been taking it in the ass by a nazi!
"Not that there's anything wrong with that"
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