APP - Whoah Nellie



I hope soon President Trump blows the lid off of this whole sordid affair. I think he is just keeping his powder dry for the right moment. I thought he would declassify a lot of information leading up to the mid terms, but I suspect he made the calculation why try to save the House? If it didn't work, he only gets one chance to kill the Deep State. He will time this with his re-election.

So now we learn that Nellie Ohr was working with the CIA

Soon we will find out that Brennan was the lynchpin to this whole sordid affair which is why he has been so vocal from the get go

And if Brennan is involved we know Obama is.

The entire Mueller charade was a means to cover up Obama criminality. Sure, if they could get Trump great, but job #1 was to protect Obama. I believe the entire Mueller probe was nothing more than an exercise to get Trump into some obstruction or perjury trap since there never was evidence of "collusion"
Don't forget obama was sending emails to clintons server which he said he didn't even know about. he was complicit in her stealing internal sensitive government data.

The tarmac meeting with lynch and bill, lynch demanding it be called a matter, this whole thing is the deep state running interference for a corrupt crooked hillary clinton. we dodged a massive bullet having her defeated.