Who's foggier?

Who's mind is more in a fog?

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Too funny...........

3 D's and a BJ voted against me...hell elBeefy even voted for himself...however the real poll at the DOJ begs different....:cof1:

and hell I won't even vote...to make it a complete win for el beefy...in here mind ya!;)
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Or God could roundhouse kick him in the face. Worked for me.

Job, me and the rest of the white people would like to apologize for the thousands of years of spreading the tale of your purposeless torture by an evil dictator as something positive and right.
Bring it on.............

Nah... the roundhouse is reserved just for you.

Though I do suppose a good kick to the nuts is an option.

God wannabee...I must warn you that I am a 'Archangel' in training...Roundhouse kicks are my fav...along with a swift upper cut to a unshaven face...:D
Job, me and the rest of the white people would like to apologize for the thousands of years of spreading the tale of your purposeless torture by an evil dictator as something positive and right.

Well, I did get a lot of publicity for it, and God has since calmed down after what they did to his kid down here. I've got my knishes and my shuffleboard. Life's okay for now.
What do you do with your cane while you're roundhouse kicking people? :cof1:

I use sugarcane in my coffee...sorry no stick cane needed...Old farts do not always have a cane...only in the liberal drug infested world...sorry a nolo contender once again!:cof1:
Oh yeah..........

Please correct the spelling on my screen name...it is 'Battleborne' not the frenchie spelling 'Battlebourne' this would make the whole poll inaccurate...as this would be a different person!..;)

Cause y'all really need to caste your votes...we need to identify the druggies on this board...please a little co-operation would be appreciated...thanks...:clink: