Who's the biggest arms supplier to extremists in Middle East - Iran? Syria?


Will work for Scooby snacks
...it might be the Bush Adminstration, actually.

Iraq's Arms Bazaar

How firearms intended for Iraqi security forces are winding up in the hands of extremists across the region.

“At least three U.S. government agencies are now investigating the massive ‘disappearance’ and diversion of weapons Washington intended for Iraqi government forces that instead have spread to militants and organized gangs across the region.”

Alpha/Write had a great response for this on the other board. He basically said it was perfectly understandable, because it's harder than keeping track of items in the warehouse at Toys R' Us...
Alpha/Write had a great response for this on the other board. He basically said it was perfectly understandable, because it's harder than keeping track of items in the warehouse at Toys R' Us...

I don't know if General Wes Clark is lying or not (I doubt it), but he said that they had no problem tracking and accounting for weapons in the balkans, once NATO peacekeepers were in, and bosnian security forces were being built up.
Alpha/Write had a great response for this on the other board. He basically said it was perfectly understandable, because it's harder than keeping track of items in the warehouse at Toys R' Us...


It's hard to tell the serious ones from the trolls like RJS sometimes.
Without reading the thread, my guess is Russia.


This isnt the first time money, weapons and equipment have gone missing in Iraq. do a google search and you'll find articles going back to the beginning of the invasion. Billions in cash and arms have gone missing since day-one.

Seems like the Republicans are playing both ends against the middle, and Troglodyte, guess who the middle is.... the U.S. taxpayer.

keeping oil production down, encouraging terrorism and making a profit on the blood of American soldiers is the real reason we have troops in Iraq.
"In May of last year, another Muslim fanatic, guns blazing, attacked Turkey's supreme court in Ankara. Four justices were wounded and one was killed. The assassin's weapons of choice were a pair of Glock pistols.

The attacks were no mystery. What puzzled Turkish police was the weapons' origin. Glocks are high-quality sidearms, but by last year they had practically become common street weapons in Turkey. More than 1,000 had been taken from criminals, guerrillas, terrorists and assassins all over the country, and authorities believed tens of thousands more had found their way onto the black market—but from where? The Austrian government repeatedly checked the serial numbers of the murder weapons. The manufacturer informed Ankara that the pistols were consigned originally to " 'US Mission Iraq' [formerly the Coalition Provisional Authority], address: Republican Presidential Compound, Ministry of the Interior, Baghdad, Iraq."

Hmm so we need to attack ourselves for arming terrorists ?
Well that does seem to be Bushco's real objective now doesn't it.
"In May of last year, another Muslim fanatic, guns blazing, attacked Turkey's supreme court in Ankara. Four justices were wounded and one was killed. The assassin's weapons of choice were a pair of Glock pistols.

The attacks were no mystery. What puzzled Turkish police was the weapons' origin. Glocks are high-quality sidearms, but by last year they had practically become common street weapons in Turkey. More than 1,000 had been taken from criminals, guerrillas, terrorists and assassins all over the country, and authorities believed tens of thousands more had found their way onto the black market—but from where? The Austrian government repeatedly checked the serial numbers of the murder weapons. The manufacturer informed Ankara that the pistols were consigned originally to " 'US Mission Iraq' [formerly the Coalition Provisional Authority], address: Republican Presidential Compound, Ministry of the Interior, Baghdad, Iraq."


Hmmmm.....you're either with Turkey, or your Against Turkey.

I guess if we arming Turkish terrorists and criminals, through Iraq, Turkey theoretically has the right to attack us.
I like turkey it is quite tasty.
But yes if we are harboring those that provided arms to terrorists in turkey, by our own reasoning they should attack us. do they have nukes ?