Who's the biggest pussy?


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O'Rourke (D-Texas) a Texas millionaire apologizes for a weak feeble joke he spewed out about his wife, and Chris Matthews Host of MSNBC Hardball pissed down his leg again with gleeful excitement that another WHITE PRIVILEGED millionaire wants to be the Democrat President of the US of A. Who’s the biggest pussy?
O'Rourke (D-Texas) a Texas millionaire apologizes for a weak feeble joke he spewed out about his wife, and Chris Matthews Host of MSNBC Hardball pissed down his leg again with gleeful excitement that another WHITE PRIVILEGED millionaire wants to be the Democrat President of the US of A. Who’s the biggest pussy?

Not poor and struggling like Trump, I guess. Don't you understand the wealth that Trump and his administration of lobbyists and billionaires have? Bete is broke compared to the Repubs in charge.
O'Rourke (D-Texas) a Texas millionaire apologizes for a weak feeble joke he spewed out about his wife, and Chris Matthews Host of MSNBC Hardball pissed down his leg again with gleeful excitement that another WHITE PRIVILEGED millionaire wants to be the Democrat President of the US of A. Who’s the biggest pussy?

O'Dork is a laughable caricature of the Democratic Party of the Jackass. A hacker who made a deal with Fake media types and who bloviates massive piles of word salad that gleeful idiots clap and cheer to.
Not poor and struggling like Trump, I guess. Don't you understand the wealth that Trump and his administration of lobbyists and billionaires have? Bete is broke compared to the Repubs in charge.

Anyone have a moron translator handy? NerdBerg is bloviating again. :laugh:

O'Rourke (D-Texas) a Texas millionaire apologizes for a weak feeble joke he spewed out about his wife, and Chris Matthews Host of MSNBC Hardball pissed down his leg again with gleeful excitement that another WHITE PRIVILEGED millionaire wants to be the Democrat President of the US of A. Who’s the biggest pussy?

Beto must not be aware of white privilege to try to pawn himself off as Hispanic.
Not poor and struggling like Trump, I guess. Don't you understand the wealth that Trump and his administration of lobbyists and billionaires have? Bete is broke compared to the Repubs in charge.

Just how will Robert Francis repair the Trump damage? Has the fellow even got an agenda for America, or is he planning to simply run on the piss dribbling down Chris Mathews leg, like Obama did?
Just how will Robert Francis repair the Trump damage? Has the fellow even got an agenda for America, or is he planning to simply run on the piss dribbling down Chris Mathews leg, like Obama did?

Trump is a tough act to follow. He has installed many, many judges that have lifetime seats. He has given many seats to incompetent Repubs who are as dumb and dishonest as Trump is. He has alienated our allies and crapped on our treaties. There is no reason to think the world will welcome us back after the damage Trump has done.
The environmental damage is permanent.
Trump is a tough act to follow. He has installed many, many judges that have lifetime seats. He has given many seats to incompetent Repubs who are as dumb and dishonest as Trump is. He has alienated our allies and crapped on our treaties. There is no reason to think the world will welcome us back after the damage Trump has done.
The environmental damage is permanent.

Glad to see you can cry harder. :good4u: