Whose Values Is He Talking About?


Verified User
Another Democrat defines this country’s values by disarming the overwhelming majority of law-abiding Americans. Note that scum bags in the U.S. Senate can speak for their voters statewide, while douche bags in the House speak only for the voters in their district:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Democratic House Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries defended his party’s push for a universal background check bill Wednesday, claiming that any enforcement of the legislation — including federal firearm registration — will be left to the Department of Justice to decide.

Efforts to expand federal firearm background checks to all private sales could eventually lead to federal firearms registration, a potential that worries some Second Amendment advocates and sympathetic Republicans.

“The Department of Justice and the FBI will have primary responsibility for enforcing the requirements that we hope will be enacted into law consistent with the values of the overwhelming majority of the American people,” Jeffries said.

Democrats Express Openness To Federal Gun Registry
Kerry Picket
7:40 PM 02/13/2019


QUESTION: Which group would Jeffries let keep their guns? ANSWER: American-haters of every political persuasion.

Make no mistake about background checks.


NOTE: Democrat gun-grabbers found a friend in now-Senator Romney:

Provo, Utah (CNN)Mitt Romney said Friday that the nation must act swiftly to address the scourge of gun violence, stating that he was open to tougher measures like "enhanced background checks" if they would help keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.

Romney open to new gun measures like 'enhanced background checks'
By Maeve Reston, CNN
Updated 11:42 AM ET, Sat February 17, 2018


The government is after those guns they do not know about. Identifying the location of every gun is essential before confiscation begins. The government already knows the names and addresses of a substantial number of law-abiding gun owners; so background checks for ammo is inevitable:

CA Lt. Governor Will Introduce Ballot Initiative for Background Checks to Purchase Ammunition
by Liz Sheld
October 15, 2015


Incidentally, how many movies and TV shows have you seen where a fictional character says his gun is registered, or a cop nails him for having an unregistered gun. The last time I did a background check on the Second Amendment it did not say:

. . . the right of the people to keep and bear REGISTERED Arms shall not be infringed.

Background checks has always been a backdoor approach to registration; so it comes as no surprise that Democrats want more BCs.

As I said many times, the government fears the location of the guns they do not know about. Confiscating guns is a little difficult when the government does not know where the guns live. In truth, media mouths have just as much to fear from law-abiding unknown gun-owners than does the government. Government stooges in the media must know that if Democrat gun-grabbers bring this country to violent revolution media mouths will be the first ones to get shot.

Never forget that if you own a gun and your name is on a list of any kind the government has that list. As much as I respect the NRA, there is no doubt in my mind the government has the names of everybody on the NRA’s membership roll.

A substantial number of Americans see no harm in background checks or a national registry. The problem is in convincing EVERY private sector American that they will lose a constitutional Right along with gun owners. Bottom line: Americans who are being conned by Democrats are begging to die victims right alongside those gun-owners the federal government will disarm.

The sole purpose of background checks is to set up a data bank so the federal government knows the location of every gun. So how come not one media mouth ever suggested that the government must delete all records of every person after they clear a background check? (I am probably being naive. There is no way in hell the government will delete an essential component of confiscation.)

When you get right down to it, why should Americans believe anything government officials say about background checks when they lie all of the time?

You can believe the one thing government liars say. The police and the military will obey when they are ordered to confiscate all of the guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans?

Finally, federal control of the military, and local law enforcement, combined with confiscating millions of “background check” guns has long been a major objective for Democrats. Every shooting followed by more wall-to-wall media coverage might be enough to give Hakeem Jeffries, Mitt Romney and their kind the groundswell they need to legislate the Second Amendment to death without asking the pubic’s permission to abolish the Second Amendment.

No law is supposed to override the Constitution, yet every one of the more than 40,000 gun control laws on the books supersedes the Second Amendment.

p.s. If you could make one of two organizations disappear forever which one would you choose?

1. National Rifle Association.

2. American Civil Liberties Union.

Before you decide consider which organization is dedicated to the Second Amendment’s priorities. HINT: It ain’t the ACLU.

1. Stand against government tyranny.

2. Self-defense against foreign enemies who come here to kill Americans for political reasons.

3. Self-defense against violent American-born criminals.
QUESTION: Which group would Jeffries let keep their guns? ANSWER: American-haters of every political persuasion.

Jeffries took advanced lessons in hatred from the Chicago sewer rat:

The corrosive hatred of America now being seen on daily display did not come hurtling from out of nowhere overnight.

It has been cultivated and nurtured from the get-go by a president both in and out of office.

Hatred of America had been out there festering on the sidelines for decades until Senator Barack Hussein Obama came along to exploit it to the nth degree.

Hatred of America grew to fever pitch with the election of Obama, who incredibly boasted five days before 2008’s election that his mission in public office would be to ‘fundamentally transform America”— and got elected anyway.

Obama first spread hatred of America among his surrogates, the mainstream and social media, the Entertainment Industry and the Democrat Party. Soon after his arrival at the Oval Office, he began Cleopatra-like visits to foreign countries, where he flagrantly dissed America’s so-called shortcomings, blaming the country who paid his salary and which was later to enrich him, for everything going wrong in the world.

Thousands of researchers went off on a failed treasure hunt trying to get him to unearth his missing pedigree, including his birth certificate to prove that he wasn’t born in America.

The media, meanwhile, wrote thousands of stories about Obama’s time out on the golf links and his increasingly lavish vacations.

Obama, who was reelected again in 2012—even after gutting the military—remained in office for eight interminably long years before going off to live the easy life of a multi-millionaire. Post-election he was being paid for speeches dissing America.

Hard to believe that a $500 Million ‘Presidential Center’ is being built as a legacy to haunt the masses for the rest of their lifetime.

These are neither imaginings nor conspiracy theories, but the tragic facts about how America became a nation ripping itself apart in non-stop hatred.

Interesting how even with the masses now in the know, how history gets to repeat itself.

First the DNC gave rockstar status to a senator with no actual accomplishments of which to speak, a senator who would twice be elected as president, who even today maintains the hatred as a mostly hidden-in-the closet ‘Resistance’ leader in a fenced mansion within easy walking distance of the White House.

Today the mainstream and social media accord the same kind of rock star status to a little known, short on accomplishments representative sent to Congress from New York.

Obama wanted to bankrupt the coal industry. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to bring down the entire economy, including the airline industry.

Both want the nation that gave them leverage swallowed whole by socialism and a Utopia that exists only in their imaginations.

When it comes to the hatred now being heaped on the masses by the progressive/left, Obama had eight long years to plot and plan how it could be incrementally dished out.

Did he leave instructions on yellow post-its for the hate-spewers to come out one by one?


Foreign-born haters get their homework assignments from liberal networks after they emigrate to this country.

BUT, some will most surely interject, the polls, most media and the Dems were confident that Hillary would be elected president in 2016.

The hatred that lives on two years after Election Day is proof positive that Hillary would have continued piling on the hate, even magnifying it. Proof positive, too that it is not just President Donald Trump the prog-left, media, celebrities and Dems live to hate, but anyone who rises to power who is not one of them.

They hate, conservatives, Christians and all and any who stand in the way of making America a socialist state.

They use as useful idiots all of those who suffer guilt for living up to the prog-left description of “white men and white women of privilege”..

Both shockingly and corrosively, they hate, hate, HATE all who vote anything but Democrat, and ridicule all who stand against soul-destroying Socialism.

They’ve sunk so low in their hatred that school kids wearing red MAGA hats are fair game for violent death threats, while the wearers of ridiculous pink pussy caps are lionized as heroes and heroines.

Driving Obama out of his ‘Resistance’ Leader luxurious lair is not only the the best—but the only—way to begin cauterizing the hatred smothering America and to #StampOutSocialism in America.

Barack Obama, Hatred of America Originator, Hangs On To Maintain It
By Judi McLeod
February 14, 2019


Foreign-born haters get their homework assignments from liberal networks after they emigrate to this country.

That filthy hate-filled immigrant came from a Third World shit hole —— Mogadishu, Somalia.

Somehow filthy Muslim America-hating immigrants got her elected to Congress where she immediately attacked Americans and the country that took them in. Had she grown up in her own country and mouthed off back there the Muslim men she is so proud of would have ripped her tongue out before kicking her teeth down her goddamned throat, yet you can be sure she expects the American men she despises to fight and die in foreign countries saving scum like her. That piece of garbage is the best reason against nation-building. No American should fight for anything except defense of this country. Certainly not fight for women like Omar.

Nobody in a court or testifying before a committee is required to answer yes or no:

"Yes or no, do you think that massacre was a fabulous achievement that happened under our watch?" she asked.

It is bad enough that that disgusting, dirty, little maggot learned her interrogation technique from television lawyer shows —— she used her seat on a House committee to spout the worst kind of Communist propaganda:


Iran-Contra affair and convictions
See also: Foreign interventions by the United States and United States involvement in regime change in Latin America
In October 1986, a plane flown by Eugene Hasenfus, carrying military equipment intended for the Contras, a right-wing rebel group fighting against the socialist Sandinista government of Nicaragua, was shot down over Nicaragua.[30] The Reagan administration publicly denied that Hasenfus sought to arm the Contras as part of a US government mission.[30] However, the State Department was centrally involved in the covert plan to fund the Contras, which violated congressional legislation.[30] In congressional testimony in October 1986, Abrams repeatedly and categorically denied that the US government was involved in arming the Contras.[31] However, at the time, Abrams knew that "[Oliver] North was encouraging, coordinating and directing the activities of the contra-resupply operation and that North was in contact with the private citizens who were behind the lethal resupply fights."[32]
During investigation of the Iran-Contra Affair, Lawrence Walsh, the Independent Counsel tasked with investigating the case, prepared multiple felony counts against Abrams.[28] In 1991, Abrams admitted that he knew more than he acknowledged in his congressional testimony, cooperated with Walsh and entered into a plea agreement in which he pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of withholding information from Congress.[33] For failing to cooperate, he would have faced felony charges of perjury over his congressional testimony.[34] He was sentenced to a $50 fine, probation for two years, and 100 hours of community service. Abrams was pardoned by President George H. W. Bush in December 1992.[35]
In 1997, Abrams was publicly sanctioned by the District of Columbia Bar for giving false testimony to Congress about the Iran-Contra affair. Although several of the court's judges recommended disbarment, the court ultimately declined to disbar Abrams over questions related to the effect of Abrams' Presidential pardon for his prior criminal conduct.[36]
Ollie North spearheaded the Iran Contra criminal act and he became a hero to the right. Prick should have been in jail.
Elliot Abrams has LIED to congress Before

To evince: It is not a lie when it justifies killing Communists.

For close to fifty years garbage like you have been defending the lies John Kerry told about the men fighting in Vietnam. It comes as no surprise that you now have a female Muslim liar who emulates Kerry.

Ollie North spearheaded the Iran Contra criminal act and he became a hero to the right.

To Nordberg: You and your kind call everything a criminal act when it defends the country against Communism. Alas, you will say the same thing about defending against China.
Ollie North spearheaded the Iran Contra criminal act and he became a hero to the right. Prick should have been in jail.

North committed treason and should have been executed. Preferably by firing squad. Betchya he'd have been crying like a baby seeing a row of men aiming their rifles at the fucking cunt.
I want to know why guns are banned from trump rallies, NRA rallies, trump towers and mar-la-ca resort.

Doesn't trump respect the 2nd amendment?

C'mon you fucking cunts. Are you scared of guns? Let the people bring their guns into these places! With any luck some patriotic American will exercise their 2nd amendment right and shoot dead a lot of fucking republicunts.

And when the photos of the deceased are splashed all over the front pages, I will make sure to send their families ' thoughts and prayers'.
Doesn't trump respect the 2nd amendment?

To lisasanders1964: The Right to bear arms is there to protect not attack. Trump's security people are armed to protect. Scum bags use guns to attack Americans who defend the reason for the Second Amendment.

This should be right up your ally:

In a story unearthed by U.S. Liberty Wire, citing a deep-weeds Minnesota state political news site, here's some new information on the decisionmaking of Minnesota leftist Democrat and House Foreign Affairs committee member, Rep. Ilhan Omar, dating from her days in the Minnesota statehouse:

On Thursday, members of the Minnesota House voted to pass H.F. 1397, a bill which would give life insurance companies the right to deny payouts to beneficiaries whose loved one died while committing an act of terrorism.

In a bipartisan effort, Republicans and Democrats joined together to pass the bill 127-2. Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minneapolis) and John Lesch (D-St.Paul) were the only two lawmakers who voted against the measure.

February 17, 2019
Another skeleton crawls out of Ilhan Omar's closet
By Monica Showalter

That filthy hate-filled immigrant came from a Third World shit hole —— Mogadishu, Somalia.

Somehow filthy Muslim America-hating immigrants got her elected to Congress where she immediately attacked Americans and the country that took them in. Had she grown up in her own country and mouthed off back there the Muslim men she is so proud of would have ripped her tongue out before kicking her teeth down her goddamned throat, yet you can be sure she expects the American men she despises to fight and die in foreign countries saving scum like her. That piece of garbage is the best reason against nation-building. No American should fight for anything except defense of this country. Certainly not fight for women like Omar.

Nobody in a court or testifying before a committee is required to answer yes or no:

"Yes or no, do you think that massacre was a fabulous achievement that happened under our watch?" she asked.

It is bad enough that that disgusting, dirty, little maggot learned her interrogation technique from television lawyer shows —— she used her seat on a House committee to spout the worst kind of Communist propaganda:

My God, who wrote this? How extreme does this get?
I want to know why guns are banned from trump rallies, NRA rallies, trump towers and mar-la-ca resort.

Doesn't trump respect the 2nd amendment?

C'mon you fucking cunts. Are you scared of guns? Let the people bring their guns into these places! With any luck some patriotic American will exercise their 2nd amendment right and shoot dead a lot of fucking republicunts.

And when the photos of the deceased are splashed all over the front pages, I will make sure to send their families ' thoughts and prayers'.
‘You really don't know why guns aren't allowed?? Or are you just being silly again this morning?
My God, who wrote this? How extreme does this get?
She's awful...terrible representative for women, Muslims...people in general...
The KittyKatKlan has a couple of real gems...they'll be gone soon enough....