Why a two party system always emerges

a first victory for a far-right Austrian party since World War II. The Freedom Party, led by Herbert Kickl, secured 29.2% of the vote, topping the center-right Austrian People's Party with 26.5% and the Social Democrats with 21%.

Not even a third of the people won the power

Fucking insanity
I'm going to try and treat you like you have a functioning brain. First try and consider why such parties are finding success across the globe. I know your handlers tell you it's stupidity and hatred but try and use that pea sized brain of yours just once. It wont kill you I promise.

Second they will struggle to find partners because just like in America leftists are wingnuts who would rather destroy their countries then work with people that disagree with but will try and blame others for the destructuon.
two party political structures occur because the majority of the population lives in fear of the other side and believes what their preferred party tells them, despite obvious facts
I'm going to try and treat you like you have a functioning brain. First try and consider why such parties are finding success across the globe. I know your handlers tell you it's stupidity and hatred but try and use that pea sized brain of yours just once. It wont kill you I promise.

Second they will struggle to find partners because just like in America leftists are wingnuts who would rather destroy their countries then work with people that disagree with but will try and blame others for the destructuon.
Projection ass gobbler
a first victory for a far-right Austrian party since World War II. The Freedom Party, led by Herbert Kickl, secured 29.2% of the vote, topping the center-right Austrian People's Party with 26.5% and the Social Democrats with 21%.

Not even a third of the people won the power

Fucking insanity
But, without a majority, they will need to form coalitions and compromise.

In a two party system, we have two possibilities.

One party has control of both chambers and the White House,
and thus, in actual practice, it becomes a one-party system,


as often happens here,
we get split government
between two parties far too disparate to compromise on anything
and we get total gridlock.

We have to differentiate between what we'd like to be true
and reality.
two party political structures occur because the majority of the population lives in fear of the other side and believes what their preferred party tells them, despite obvious facts

They exist because that is how SANE PEOPLE vote

It’s what has worked in America

You start splitting and splitting Boyer groups into smaller and smaller factions and it’s no longer what the majority will wants

How torn to shreds would this nation be if less than a third of the voters ever held the hands of power

This is happening internationally because evil nations have gone all in to effect democratic elections world wide

And it will soon end

Because humans wake up to what’s being done eventually

This is why you puss buckets hate woke people

Snoozers are who you prefer

Brain dead follower zombies

Um dudes

Your zombies are taking the vaccine of truth in bigger and bigger numbers

Some of your zombies are dying of old age

You are not grooming new zombies

Your bleeding out funds due to your brainless power grab attempts

Your minions don’t have much cash you can squeeze out of them anymore

Just gulp the tar

Just stop stabbing your party to death

Lie down

Let the death flow over you

You have been seeking a way to sleep because you hate being awake and you hate those who are already woke

Leave us

It’s what your masters have taught you to feel

Gulp the tar Dino’s
Poor Vinny is seriously fucked up.

Perhaps not as fucked up as a trumpanzee
but seriously fucked up nonetheless.

Her thoughts are mold by faith and true-believerism,
and not by accurate observation of reality.
I'll give you credit you're incredibly proud of how stupid you are. Good for you.
Stale ass master

You Russians just can’t grasp how deep you dug your hole

Just hand your nation over to the actual people of Russia

Let them Unlock the creativity and determination the Russian people culturally have always possessed but you shit bag dictator whores keep trying to crush

Soon they will topple your evil shit
Stale ass master

You Russians just can’t grasp how deep you dug your hole

Just hand your nation over to the actual people of Russia

Let them Unlock the creativity and determination the Russian people culturally have always possessed but you shit bag dictator whores keep trying to crush

Soon they will topple your evil shit
This from the moron that calls anyone who disagrees with it a "Russian bot". I don't blame you you're a tool
But, without a majority, they will need to form coalitions and compromise.

In a two party system, we have two possibilities.

One party has control of both chambers and the White House,
and thus, in actual practice, it becomes a one-party system,


as often happens here,
we get split government
between two parties far too disparate to compromise on anything
and we get total gridlock.

We have to differentiate between what we'd like to be true
and reality.
Because one of our parties has a trump brain disease

One fights the people instead of competing to out think the other with great ideas for the people

You hate America

It’s why I don’t like you idiot

Your a Russian whore

And I keep spotting it in your posts

Your just one who pretends to be left leaning most of the time

And when elections come around you do what you are doing here right now

Spewing hate on the American system

I have seen that type of shot over and over

We long ago here had a poster named Top

He was the liberalist liberal you would ever see

And every time an election rolled around he HATED the choice people picked for the campaign

I chased his fucking ass away by pointing it out to everyone

He’s gone

We had on very early on too

A ginger kid who I can’t even remember his name

Big time liberal

Who would say the fucking stupidest shit and I would unleash on him for saying dumb shit and tainting our causes

I told people he was a plant and not a real person

He disappeared too

Through this all is when assholes here started changing their names once a month

Guess why they started that trend

In hopes people would not remember what they said last election

It didn’t fucking work

Because I pointed it out to everyone

The gig is up you shit bag russian whore

Don’t worry

It won’t hurt when we force these nations to erase your program nor hole
Vinny keeps calling me a Russian bot when I'm one of the most consistently anti-Russian
posters on the forum.

I'm voting for the same POTUS candidate that I presume she is.

Vinny is mentally damaged, very clearly,
and in a nation that does not humanely euthanize its hopelessly sick humans..
we treat our pets better....
we have to watch Vinny suffer.
I'm going to try and treat you like you have a functioning brain. First try and consider why such parties are finding success across the globe. I know your handlers tell you it's stupidity and hatred but try and use that pea sized brain of yours just once. It wont kill you I promise.

Second they will struggle to find partners because just like in America leftists are wingnuts who would rather destroy their countries then work with people that disagree with but will try and blame others for the destructuon.
I wouldn’t say winning legislative seats in a parliamentary government in several nations is overwhelmingly “success”