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Before I start this post, I wanted to say that I will be using the term, SOCIALISM, as an "umbrella term" (or meta-construct)
That means all of the following are effectively forms of socialism:
* Communism ( Communism is a term coined by Karl Marx; there has never been a successful communist society established)
* Orthodox Marxism (Karl Marx's politics of "Class Struggle")
* neo-Marxism ( associated with the counterculture movement in the US that formed the "New Left" in the 1960's/1970's)
* Critical Theory (an approach to Marxism developed by the "Frankfurt School" of political philosophers).
* Western Marxism.
* Cultural Marxism ( has produced garbage like: multiculturalism. Social Justice Warriors, Political Correctness, the push for Diversity, Affirmative Action, Microaggressions)
* Progressivism in the US today (has become socialism. In the Democratic Platform 2020, policies like: Free College Tuition, Cut Military Spending, Basic Minimum Wage, Green New Deal,
promote abortion, increase tax on wealthy as a means of economic redistribution, Reparations for descendants of former Negro Slaves, Cut Funding for Police and so on
* Postmodernist theory (the political dimension is hostile to Western Culture and Capitalism, the American Patriarchy and traditional Nuclear family, is collectivist and strongly anti-
individualist, is egalitarian)
* Libertarian Marxism.
* Structural Marxism.
All of the above refer to the one concept, namely:SOCIALISM Socialism is a political theory. When it is applied in the real world to the governing of a country, what inevitably happens is that people forfeit their individual liberty (personal freedom), and their Right tp private property, to a massive, intrusive state, and thereby become slaves. The economy of the Socialist state eventually collapses because it is not "mathematically" possible for a small group of economic experts to "centrally plan" the effective running of a nation's economy ( when free-market capitalism is abolished). In every case of Socialist states that were established in the 20th century the Head of State, was or soon became, a military dictator who was a typically a bloodthirsty tyrant.
In the 1880's the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, made an astonishing prediction. He predicted that in the 20th century the world would suffer the horrors of bloodthirsty totalitarian socialist regimes. As we now know, he was 100% correct. He foresaw the reality of the Soviet Union and men like Stalin, Mao's appalling Marxist "Cultural Revolution", the Cold War, and so on. This is one of the reasons I read a lot of Nietzsche when I was younger, for me he had - just in predicting the catastrophic rise of socialism across the globe in the 20th century - shown that he had great insight into human nature.
Nietzsche has almost always been categorized as a (Western) Philosopher in America; although some erudite scholars in the academy say that he was essentially a poet. I understand what they(the later) mean, but they are just intellectual "show offs". "For all basic intents and purposes Nietzsche was a philosopher, one of the truly great Western philosophers. Although he is a philosopher, he does, however, spend some time, (not a great deal over all, but still some) talking about POLITICS, and in particular how much he hates socialists When I was in my mid-20's (that's a long time ago, BTW) and I read his analysis of socialism , I thought to myself immediately: "Brilliant argument ! If Nietzsche hates socialism, them I hate socialism too! Period!" Usually the ideas you thought were so very clever and wonderful when you were 25 years old, have a habit of undergoing a radical change by the time you are 50. And that's particularly the case with politics. However when I pick up Nietzsche today and re-read his work on socialism, nothing has changed. I still think he was right that socialists are psychologically disturbed people, I mean those who are , in America today (2020), Democratic Party: activists; agitators; sponsors candidate or elected; politicians (Based on the policy agenda in their 2020 Platform, there is no doubt whatsoever the US Democratic Party is a now a full-blooded socialist organization).
Nietzsche put down a number of different critiques of socialism, though the one I think is most relevant to America in 2020, is his idea of socialism as a politics of REVENGE.
Nietzsche viewed socialists as "UNDERPRIVILEGED human beings. They believe themselves to be suffering and they want to find thecause of the pain. But socialists are absolutely unwilling to blame themselves. Instead they slander, besmirch and condemn society. Nietzsche calls them: APOSTLES OF REVENGE AND RESSENTIMENT( "ressentiment is a French term for a particularly curdled, bottled, bitter, rancorous type of resentment - Kamala Harris is full of it); they seek to find someone responsible for their failure and punish them.
Nietzsche labels this way of looking at the world "THE PESSIMISM OF INDIGNATION" it manifests itself when an individual exclaims:
"How can I help that I am wretched ! But somebody must be responsible, otherwise it would be unbearable." (Nietzsche from "The Will to Power").
IN the case of the socialist, responsibility is "discovered" in those who support and maintain the unjust political and economic hierarchies that exist in society. In America, today (2020, the socialist blames the:WHITE (North/Western European) ANGLO-PROTESTANT MALE, the established PATRIARCHY and the FREE-MARKET/CAPITALIST ECONOMIC SYSTEM.
So, the socialist seems to be saying, "I am wretched because the system made me so" ! ( note today how socialists commonly use the terms "institutionalized (i.e. systematized) racism; institutionalized police brutality against Blacks, institutionalized discrimination against minority groups). The socialist reasons: "If we overthrow the system, and punish those who supported it, I will cease to be wretched."
There is a connection here between "the pessimism of indignation" and another characteristic aspect of socialism/socialist, namely : idealism. In addition to finding someone to blame, the socialist also invents a blueprint for a new social order that could pull people out of a state of wretchedness. The arrogance of such people is astonishing. They believe lets use the case of Karl Marx for an example, that they have such a perfect insight into human nature, that they can, can use their understanding of economic and sociology and politicical theory, to sit down and scratch out a book like like "Das Kapital" that tells people all they need to know and do to set about creating paradise on Earth (FOR REAL). It's barking madness It. Managed to get 120,000,000 killed human being killed/murdered often in horrific way, it managed to cause monumental devastation, misery and suffering across the globe. But did it create heaven on Earth anywhere ?I DON'T FUCKING THINK SO !
Another way to understand the socialist is to examine the anti-Semite. The socialist and the anti-Semite are "birds of a feather". Note, just for example, the following three current US Congressional Representative, they are all women of colour, members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and fanatically opposed to Israel: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tliab. Many other House Democrats are also strongly anti-Semitic While in Britain the former leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn MP and many members of his extreme Left Labour Party were strenuously attacked by the government for the strong anti-Semitic sentiment that had been permitted to perfuse the Labour party under socialist Jeremy.
Corbyn's leadership. OMAR, TLIAB, OCASIO-CORTEZ, CORBYN, they are/were ALL DEGENERATES. ALL EVIL SCUM for the same reason. They lack the courage to assume personal responsibility for their miserable lives. And they only way they can feel good about themselves is find a scapegoat for their woes and attack/destroy the scapegoat. I call them EVIL scum and not just SCUM because as politician they have the power to INTENTIONALLY do tremendous damage to other decent, and contented human beings
The socialist and the anti-Semite are "birds of a feather" because each places a scapegoat in the center of his theory of justice; a theory through which they can shift responsibility for their existence, for being: "such and such", on to some sort of scapegoat. The scapegoat can be God, it can be the social order, or education and training, or the Jews, or the Nobility, or the English MonarchyOR ANYONE WHO HAS TURNED OUT WELL IN ANY WAY
And this is precisely what disgusts Nietzsche so intensely about socialism, the fact that it is an outlook on the world that rejects personal responsibility and manufactures an explanation for their miserable situation that BLAMES OTHERS for the fact that they are: X, Y, Z (e.g : a White (European) male; racist; homophobic; transphobic; sexist; Islamophobic, etc).
Nietzsche's attitude is that the fact socialism and anti-Semitism differ in WHO they blame is beside the point. What matter is that each has identified as....
"Evil.... precisely the 'good man' of the other morality, precisely the noble, powerful man, the ruler, but dyed another colour, interpreted in another fashion, seen in another way by the venomous eyes of ressentiment" (Nietzsche, from: "Twilight of the Idols").
For me this perfectly explains such political incidents as the cruel, vicious attack that Senator Kamala Harris launched on Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, when he had been accused (falsely) of an alleged sexual assault that took place 37 years ago (!). Apart from playing the role of #BelieveHer,#MeToo, feminist icon Harris truly relished launching this diabolical attack because Kavanaugh was everything that she was not: White, decent, a talented legal scholar who had earned his good reputation through honest, hard work, a happily married family man. He was the ideal scapegoat for Harris the wretched creature (who had whored her way up the legal and political ranks in California and to put it bluntly, wasn't fit to tie Kavanaugh's shoe laces) THAT is why the attack became so vicious, bitter and "personal". I note some socialist on this forum has published a Thread entitled: "She Made Kavanaugh Cry." That's right Harris did make Kavanaugh cry, but they were, as Bob Dylan would say: "tears of rage". Two of the women who accused Kavanagh were so clearly crazy that they and their bizarre allegations were show the door very quickly (both women were dumb, White Trash looking to make some "fast bucks") but ironically, the most UNHINGED so-called victim of a sexual assault perpetrated by Kavanagh was a middle-aged, academic called Christine Blasey-Ford. The only reason she was taken seriously regarding her claim of an alleged sexual assault Brett Kavanaugh perpetrated on her 37 years ago was that superficially she seemed to be a respectable and intelligent upper-middle class woman. But it turned out her whole story was pure fabrication and she was caught lying or contradicting herself umpteen times, including lying under oath which is perjury (a felony). Blasey-Ford was a very cunning and devious piece of work and tried to play the "traumatized little girl role." In the end, her allegations were discredited, but what really shocked me was how evidence (a videoclip) came to light which proved Blasey - Ford's prime motivation for coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment against Brett Kavanaugh were to prevent him being confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice because she and her feminist/Democrat friends believed that with Kavanaugh (A conservative Jurist) on the Supreme Court Bench the "Roe Vs Wade " (1973) decision which effectively legalized abortion on demand over the whole 9 months of pregnancy would be repealed. Unbelievable isn't it ? Blasey Ford lies through her teeth to destroy a good man's life and that of his family and...just....walks.....away.............scot-free.......La, La,La
Getting back to Nietzsche and socialism/socialists. He believes that "the pessimism of indignation" is a psychological disease that afflicts those who are unwilling to accept their "lot in life" (or if you prefer "their station in life") and seek to blame others for their position. He writes that we ought to view socialists and others suffering from "the pessimism of indignation" as...
"Invalids who feel better for crying out, for whom defamation is a relief."
In other words, socialist activism and agitation is day-to-day a form of catharsis for the underprivileged. In short, Nietzsche tells us....
"The pessimism of indignation invents responsibility in order to create a pleasant feeling for itself."
So long as this "crying out" is being used as a means of self-soothing, there is no reason to take the socialist seriously. Unfortunately in America, the noise from the socialist rabble has been steadily amplified since the 1960's. But White Americans and Republican politicians have not taken the growth of socialism seriously, they have tried to ignore the growing clamour of socialist activists/agitators/politicians/"machine-men"/the socialist-Democrat MSM (the "New Left in the late 1960's", radical (socialist) Second - Wave feminism in the 1970's, the spread of Identity politics and political correctness, the weaponization of colleges and universities as socialist indoctrination centers that began in the 1980's and continues to date, the massive expansion of the abortion industry, the ever more bloated Welfare State (from the 1960's to 2020).
Because no action was ever taken to prevent it THE US DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN NOW A FULLY_BLOWN SOCIALIST ORGANIZATION, AND THE UNITED STATES IS EXACTLY ONE ELECTION AWAY FROM DESTRUCTION That is what will happen if the BIDEN-HARRIS ticket gets up. America will begin its transformation to "Third Word Nation" status and you will be surprised at how very rapidly fast the whole United States falls to pieces.
That means all of the following are effectively forms of socialism:
* Communism ( Communism is a term coined by Karl Marx; there has never been a successful communist society established)
* Orthodox Marxism (Karl Marx's politics of "Class Struggle")
* neo-Marxism ( associated with the counterculture movement in the US that formed the "New Left" in the 1960's/1970's)
* Critical Theory (an approach to Marxism developed by the "Frankfurt School" of political philosophers).
* Western Marxism.
* Cultural Marxism ( has produced garbage like: multiculturalism. Social Justice Warriors, Political Correctness, the push for Diversity, Affirmative Action, Microaggressions)
* Progressivism in the US today (has become socialism. In the Democratic Platform 2020, policies like: Free College Tuition, Cut Military Spending, Basic Minimum Wage, Green New Deal,
promote abortion, increase tax on wealthy as a means of economic redistribution, Reparations for descendants of former Negro Slaves, Cut Funding for Police and so on
* Postmodernist theory (the political dimension is hostile to Western Culture and Capitalism, the American Patriarchy and traditional Nuclear family, is collectivist and strongly anti-
individualist, is egalitarian)
* Libertarian Marxism.
* Structural Marxism.
All of the above refer to the one concept, namely:SOCIALISM Socialism is a political theory. When it is applied in the real world to the governing of a country, what inevitably happens is that people forfeit their individual liberty (personal freedom), and their Right tp private property, to a massive, intrusive state, and thereby become slaves. The economy of the Socialist state eventually collapses because it is not "mathematically" possible for a small group of economic experts to "centrally plan" the effective running of a nation's economy ( when free-market capitalism is abolished). In every case of Socialist states that were established in the 20th century the Head of State, was or soon became, a military dictator who was a typically a bloodthirsty tyrant.
In the 1880's the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, made an astonishing prediction. He predicted that in the 20th century the world would suffer the horrors of bloodthirsty totalitarian socialist regimes. As we now know, he was 100% correct. He foresaw the reality of the Soviet Union and men like Stalin, Mao's appalling Marxist "Cultural Revolution", the Cold War, and so on. This is one of the reasons I read a lot of Nietzsche when I was younger, for me he had - just in predicting the catastrophic rise of socialism across the globe in the 20th century - shown that he had great insight into human nature.
Nietzsche has almost always been categorized as a (Western) Philosopher in America; although some erudite scholars in the academy say that he was essentially a poet. I understand what they(the later) mean, but they are just intellectual "show offs". "For all basic intents and purposes Nietzsche was a philosopher, one of the truly great Western philosophers. Although he is a philosopher, he does, however, spend some time, (not a great deal over all, but still some) talking about POLITICS, and in particular how much he hates socialists When I was in my mid-20's (that's a long time ago, BTW) and I read his analysis of socialism , I thought to myself immediately: "Brilliant argument ! If Nietzsche hates socialism, them I hate socialism too! Period!" Usually the ideas you thought were so very clever and wonderful when you were 25 years old, have a habit of undergoing a radical change by the time you are 50. And that's particularly the case with politics. However when I pick up Nietzsche today and re-read his work on socialism, nothing has changed. I still think he was right that socialists are psychologically disturbed people, I mean those who are , in America today (2020), Democratic Party: activists; agitators; sponsors candidate or elected; politicians (Based on the policy agenda in their 2020 Platform, there is no doubt whatsoever the US Democratic Party is a now a full-blooded socialist organization).
Nietzsche put down a number of different critiques of socialism, though the one I think is most relevant to America in 2020, is his idea of socialism as a politics of REVENGE.
Nietzsche viewed socialists as "UNDERPRIVILEGED human beings. They believe themselves to be suffering and they want to find thecause of the pain. But socialists are absolutely unwilling to blame themselves. Instead they slander, besmirch and condemn society. Nietzsche calls them: APOSTLES OF REVENGE AND RESSENTIMENT( "ressentiment is a French term for a particularly curdled, bottled, bitter, rancorous type of resentment - Kamala Harris is full of it); they seek to find someone responsible for their failure and punish them.
Nietzsche labels this way of looking at the world "THE PESSIMISM OF INDIGNATION" it manifests itself when an individual exclaims:
"How can I help that I am wretched ! But somebody must be responsible, otherwise it would be unbearable." (Nietzsche from "The Will to Power").
IN the case of the socialist, responsibility is "discovered" in those who support and maintain the unjust political and economic hierarchies that exist in society. In America, today (2020, the socialist blames the:WHITE (North/Western European) ANGLO-PROTESTANT MALE, the established PATRIARCHY and the FREE-MARKET/CAPITALIST ECONOMIC SYSTEM.
So, the socialist seems to be saying, "I am wretched because the system made me so" ! ( note today how socialists commonly use the terms "institutionalized (i.e. systematized) racism; institutionalized police brutality against Blacks, institutionalized discrimination against minority groups). The socialist reasons: "If we overthrow the system, and punish those who supported it, I will cease to be wretched."
There is a connection here between "the pessimism of indignation" and another characteristic aspect of socialism/socialist, namely : idealism. In addition to finding someone to blame, the socialist also invents a blueprint for a new social order that could pull people out of a state of wretchedness. The arrogance of such people is astonishing. They believe lets use the case of Karl Marx for an example, that they have such a perfect insight into human nature, that they can, can use their understanding of economic and sociology and politicical theory, to sit down and scratch out a book like like "Das Kapital" that tells people all they need to know and do to set about creating paradise on Earth (FOR REAL). It's barking madness It. Managed to get 120,000,000 killed human being killed/murdered often in horrific way, it managed to cause monumental devastation, misery and suffering across the globe. But did it create heaven on Earth anywhere ?I DON'T FUCKING THINK SO !
Another way to understand the socialist is to examine the anti-Semite. The socialist and the anti-Semite are "birds of a feather". Note, just for example, the following three current US Congressional Representative, they are all women of colour, members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and fanatically opposed to Israel: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tliab. Many other House Democrats are also strongly anti-Semitic While in Britain the former leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn MP and many members of his extreme Left Labour Party were strenuously attacked by the government for the strong anti-Semitic sentiment that had been permitted to perfuse the Labour party under socialist Jeremy.
Corbyn's leadership. OMAR, TLIAB, OCASIO-CORTEZ, CORBYN, they are/were ALL DEGENERATES. ALL EVIL SCUM for the same reason. They lack the courage to assume personal responsibility for their miserable lives. And they only way they can feel good about themselves is find a scapegoat for their woes and attack/destroy the scapegoat. I call them EVIL scum and not just SCUM because as politician they have the power to INTENTIONALLY do tremendous damage to other decent, and contented human beings
The socialist and the anti-Semite are "birds of a feather" because each places a scapegoat in the center of his theory of justice; a theory through which they can shift responsibility for their existence, for being: "such and such", on to some sort of scapegoat. The scapegoat can be God, it can be the social order, or education and training, or the Jews, or the Nobility, or the English MonarchyOR ANYONE WHO HAS TURNED OUT WELL IN ANY WAY
And this is precisely what disgusts Nietzsche so intensely about socialism, the fact that it is an outlook on the world that rejects personal responsibility and manufactures an explanation for their miserable situation that BLAMES OTHERS for the fact that they are: X, Y, Z (e.g : a White (European) male; racist; homophobic; transphobic; sexist; Islamophobic, etc).
Nietzsche's attitude is that the fact socialism and anti-Semitism differ in WHO they blame is beside the point. What matter is that each has identified as....
"Evil.... precisely the 'good man' of the other morality, precisely the noble, powerful man, the ruler, but dyed another colour, interpreted in another fashion, seen in another way by the venomous eyes of ressentiment" (Nietzsche, from: "Twilight of the Idols").
For me this perfectly explains such political incidents as the cruel, vicious attack that Senator Kamala Harris launched on Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, when he had been accused (falsely) of an alleged sexual assault that took place 37 years ago (!). Apart from playing the role of #BelieveHer,#MeToo, feminist icon Harris truly relished launching this diabolical attack because Kavanaugh was everything that she was not: White, decent, a talented legal scholar who had earned his good reputation through honest, hard work, a happily married family man. He was the ideal scapegoat for Harris the wretched creature (who had whored her way up the legal and political ranks in California and to put it bluntly, wasn't fit to tie Kavanaugh's shoe laces) THAT is why the attack became so vicious, bitter and "personal". I note some socialist on this forum has published a Thread entitled: "She Made Kavanaugh Cry." That's right Harris did make Kavanaugh cry, but they were, as Bob Dylan would say: "tears of rage". Two of the women who accused Kavanagh were so clearly crazy that they and their bizarre allegations were show the door very quickly (both women were dumb, White Trash looking to make some "fast bucks") but ironically, the most UNHINGED so-called victim of a sexual assault perpetrated by Kavanagh was a middle-aged, academic called Christine Blasey-Ford. The only reason she was taken seriously regarding her claim of an alleged sexual assault Brett Kavanaugh perpetrated on her 37 years ago was that superficially she seemed to be a respectable and intelligent upper-middle class woman. But it turned out her whole story was pure fabrication and she was caught lying or contradicting herself umpteen times, including lying under oath which is perjury (a felony). Blasey-Ford was a very cunning and devious piece of work and tried to play the "traumatized little girl role." In the end, her allegations were discredited, but what really shocked me was how evidence (a videoclip) came to light which proved Blasey - Ford's prime motivation for coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment against Brett Kavanaugh were to prevent him being confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice because she and her feminist/Democrat friends believed that with Kavanaugh (A conservative Jurist) on the Supreme Court Bench the "Roe Vs Wade " (1973) decision which effectively legalized abortion on demand over the whole 9 months of pregnancy would be repealed. Unbelievable isn't it ? Blasey Ford lies through her teeth to destroy a good man's life and that of his family and...just....walks.....away.............scot-free.......La, La,La
Getting back to Nietzsche and socialism/socialists. He believes that "the pessimism of indignation" is a psychological disease that afflicts those who are unwilling to accept their "lot in life" (or if you prefer "their station in life") and seek to blame others for their position. He writes that we ought to view socialists and others suffering from "the pessimism of indignation" as...
"Invalids who feel better for crying out, for whom defamation is a relief."
In other words, socialist activism and agitation is day-to-day a form of catharsis for the underprivileged. In short, Nietzsche tells us....
"The pessimism of indignation invents responsibility in order to create a pleasant feeling for itself."
So long as this "crying out" is being used as a means of self-soothing, there is no reason to take the socialist seriously. Unfortunately in America, the noise from the socialist rabble has been steadily amplified since the 1960's. But White Americans and Republican politicians have not taken the growth of socialism seriously, they have tried to ignore the growing clamour of socialist activists/agitators/politicians/"machine-men"/the socialist-Democrat MSM (the "New Left in the late 1960's", radical (socialist) Second - Wave feminism in the 1970's, the spread of Identity politics and political correctness, the weaponization of colleges and universities as socialist indoctrination centers that began in the 1980's and continues to date, the massive expansion of the abortion industry, the ever more bloated Welfare State (from the 1960's to 2020).
Because no action was ever taken to prevent it THE US DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN NOW A FULLY_BLOWN SOCIALIST ORGANIZATION, AND THE UNITED STATES IS EXACTLY ONE ELECTION AWAY FROM DESTRUCTION That is what will happen if the BIDEN-HARRIS ticket gets up. America will begin its transformation to "Third Word Nation" status and you will be surprised at how very rapidly fast the whole United States falls to pieces.
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