Why Americans are pulling away from the daily news


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The Reuters Institute revealed last month that 42% of Americans actively avoid the news at least some of the time because it grinds them down or they just don’t believe it. Fifteen percent said they disconnected from news coverage altogether. In other countries, such as the UK and Brazil, the numbers selectively avoiding it were even higher.

“In the United States, those who self-identify on the right are far more likely to avoid news because they think it is untrustworthy or biased, but those on the left are more likely to feel overwhelmed, carry feelings of powerlessness, or worry that the news might create arguments,” the institute said.

Trust in the news has fallen in almost half the countries in our survey, and risen in just seven, partly reversing the gains made at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic. On average, around four in ten of our total sample (42%) say they trust most news most of the time. Finland remains the country with the highest levels of overall trust (69%), while news trust in the USA has fallen by a further three percentage points and remains the lowest (26%) in our survey.

Print media in particular is dying if not dead because, as this forum so clearly illustrates, most Americans can't read very well.

The internet, where neither qualifications nor veracity matter, finished the job of doing us in...the job that our failure to commit to quality education started.

Another indictment of populist leanings. The elite are elite for a reason.
Print media in particular is dying if not dead because, as this forum so clearly illustrates, most Americans can't read very well.

The internet, where neither qualifications nor veracity matter, finished the job of doing us in...the job that our failure to commit to quality education started.

Another indictment of populist leanings. The elite are elite for a reason.

The literate have always been the elite and ruling class.