Demanding change, any change, without the ability to accurately articulate the nature of the change required is the act of an idiot.
Slow people who really needed things to change but lacked the intellectual firepower to figure out what might have actually help flocked to the orangutan Trump.
For all the failures of my Democratic Party to address the concerns of people who needed help,
for the folly of addressing social issues which were important and needed addressing,
but while so doing, ignoring important economic issues that needed to be addressed,
I am enraged. But I'm not stupid.
Abandoning the Democratic Party is abandoning the only faction that can realistically check the much despised Republicans.
The job of people like myself is to move the Democratic Party to where it needs to be, not to abandon the only useful tool we have.
Didn't anybody see what the teabaggers and trumpanzees did to the already horrible Republican Party?
When my party nominated Secretary Clinton, they nominated a woman so far to the right of me politically
that I regarded her to be a Republican Lite, just like her husband.
But like her badly flawed husband before her, Secretary Clinton was at least intelligent and capable,
and would not have in one million years nominated monsters like Gorsuch or Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
It was the moral obligation of progressive liberals, when the only actually viable alternative was an orangutan,
to hold our noses and vote for Secretary Clinton. I did that. I bear no responsibility for the ascendance of the cretin Trump.
Those who didn't better get their act together this time.
Hopefully, my Democrats will start nominating better people.
I certainly vote for better people in the primaries as is my obligation to do.
Whomever they nominate, however, those candidates will be infinitely better than any other with a chance to win.
How much damage are you willing to let the trumpanzee filth do?