Why Animation Aimed at Adults Is the Fastest Growing Toon Trend


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I'm a big animation fan pass and present, I recommend the movie Primal, Tales of Savagery it the best animation movie of 2019, it's good too! It's for adults too!

It’s the evolution of animation. It can be argued that “The Simpsons” opened the door for Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, which in turn kicked down the door to let in shows including “Bojack Horseman,” “Archer” and “Rick & Morty.” U.S animators are serving up not only raunchy comedy but also sophisticated storytelling. Outside the U.S., animated features have a long history of telling difficult stories — most recently “The Swallows of Kabul” and “Funan” are two films that tackled horrific events. Animation aimed at adults is on the rise worldwide.

In his recently released white paper, “Adult Animation Finally Breaking Free of Its Comedy Shackles,” John Evershed, head of High Concentrate, which specializes in the packaging, development and sales of animated TV series and movies for adult audiences, notes that adult animated series have been driving ratings on both linear TV and SVODs for the past few years. He also notes that it’s the fastest-growing animation category, with room for more. That success coupled with the need for content that breaks through the clutter has also driven the expansion of animated offerings as there are more buyers than ever, Evershed writes.



So called adults are increasingly children who never grew up...Animation for adults sounds like a great way to make money.

Comic Books for adults...now there is another great idea.
You should peruse anime sometime... It makes US cartoons look childish. Take for example Black Lagoon it is like watching a Quintin Tarantino movie on steroids.

Everybody in that one is a murderous, greedy, conniving criminal... even the nuns at the "Rip Off Church."

You can watch it here for free:


(and no, I have no connection to that site. I'm just saying you can watch it there)
I've done quite a few short animations myself. It's time consuming. As a computer programmer I yielded to those artists and animators.
