Why are boomers so racist and stupid?


How many chain emails have you sent out this month? If you're a boomer , many many. Nobody else falls for the obvious shit they do. They'll believe anything. They're racist, stupid, and proud of their racism, ignorance, cruelty, and stupidity.
What's your New Year's Resolution looking like Watermark? Blessing folks with more of your presence on JPP?

What will be funny is in 40 years some snot nosed kid will be saying the exact same thing about Millennials.
How many chain emails have you sent out this month? If you're a boomer , many many. Nobody else falls for the obvious shit they do. They'll believe anything. They're racist, stupid, and proud of their racism, ignorance, cruelty, and stupidity.

Hopefully coming to see you soon.
What's your New Year's Resolution looking like Watermark? Blessing folks with more of your presence on JPP?

What will be funny is in 40 years some snot nosed kid will be saying the exact same thing about Millennials.

Nope, we were born after the phase out of lead paint and lead gasoline.
How many chain emails have you sent out this month? If you're a boomer , many many. Nobody else falls for the obvious shit they do. They'll believe anything. They're racist, stupid, and proud of their racism, ignorance, cruelty, and stupidity.

That sounds like Republicans.
How many chain emails have you sent out this month? If you're a boomer , many many. Nobody else falls for the obvious shit they do. They'll believe anything. They're racist, stupid, and proud of their racism, ignorance, cruelty, and stupidity.

Stupid comment. I'm an "original" boomer born in 1946. The next chain email that I send out will be the very first.

I'm a Social Democrat, an atheist, and I've never voted for a Republican candidate in any election.

That makes me a hell of a lot smarter than most Americans.
No only Islamist radicals like you. We find them we kill them no safe place on earth.

Lmao my family is southern baptist

But yeah kill fucking white southern baptists, the holiest of holies in the racist mayo American canon, who don’t flatter the evil American empire and it’s endless bloodhthirst

Death to Israel Death to America Long live the Caliphate of Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (PBUHN)
How many chain emails have you sent out this month? If you're a boomer , many many. Nobody else falls for the obvious shit they do. They'll believe anything. They're racist, stupid, and proud of their racism, ignorance, cruelty, and stupidity.

You certainly couldn't think Gen X, Gen Y (Millenials), and Gen Z had intelligent parents.
What's your New Year's Resolution looking like Watermark? Blessing folks with more of your presence on JPP?

What will be funny is in 40 years some snot nosed kid will be saying the exact same thing about Millennials.

More like 20 years I'd say, fortunately he's so anti-social and scared of women that they'll never be any ginger spawns of the Devil from him. So that's good to know at least.
How many chain emails have you sent out this month? If you're a boomer , many many. Nobody else falls for the obvious shit they do. They'll believe anything. They're racist, stupid, and proud of their racism, ignorance, cruelty, and stupidity.

Stupid comment. I'm an "original" boomer born in 1946. The next chain email that I send out will be the very first.

I'm a Social Democrat, an atheist, and I've never voted for a Republican candidate in any election.

That makes me a hell of a lot smarter than most Americans.

I was going to defend Boomers, but the OP might be onto something.