Why are boomers so stupid?

boomers were always around various chemicals growing up. you have to remember, lead paint was everywhere, in tools, toys, paint, etc. Then they also got sprayed with DDT. The rest of their lives was basically full on dunning kruger and continues to this present day.
boomers were always around various chemicals growing up. you have to remember, lead paint was everywhere, in tools, toys, paint, etc. Then they also got sprayed with DDT. The rest of their lives was basically full on dunning kruger and continues to this present day.

And your generation is filled with micro-plastics from the time your mothers switched you to formula. It is making you all sexually ambiguous. Stop staring at your devices. Not long ago, while stopped at a red light, a woman of your generation walked right into the side of my car while looking down at her "device."
And your generation is filled with micro-plastics from the time your mothers switched you to formula. It is making you all sexually ambiguous. Stop staring at your devices. Not long ago, while stopped at a red light, a woman of your generation walked right into the side of my car while looking down at her "device."
She probably does some of your generation's pot.
I'm more concerned with carbon, because, leftists merely want to ban my plastics; they want to charge me taxes for carbon.

Are you serious? Plastics are something we can actually do something about. We need alternatives. There is a very young man who has spent years designing technology to scoop up the plastics floating around in all of our oceans. He is doing real work to tackle a problem. However, if you prefer to waste your time on the Greta-train, carry on from Federal Way.
Why are you so stupid ?

I earned it. Studied and worked my ass off from about 14 y.o. to 26, paid my dues in my profession including student loans, then set up a small bidness, never missed a payroll, worked my ass off with that and now sit back and be stupid while you piss away your wretched life voting for socialists in the quixotic belief they'll fix your wasted and fucked up existence.
Next question.
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Well, the weed is just that good! But no, I see it everywhere. Look around in a crowded restaurant and notice how many folks have their heads down, focused solely on their devices. Even while they are seated with other people.
they are missing the world while attempting to see the world thru a cellphone.
I understand being plugged in, but there is a time to unplug as well. be in tune with the natural world
Makes you feel like the human animal you are
boomers were always around various chemicals growing up. you have to remember, lead paint was everywhere, in tools, toys, paint, etc. Then they also got sprayed with DDT. The rest of their lives was basically full on dunning kruger and continues to this present day.

I must be stupid.......I have no clue what "dunning kruger" even means......
Are you serious? Plastics are something we can actually do something about. We need alternatives. There is a very young man who has spent years designing technology to scoop up the plastics floating around in all of our oceans. He is doing real work to tackle a problem. However, if you prefer to waste your time on the Greta-train, carry on from Federal Way.

Isn't carbon supposed to kill us all in 12 years? Plastics can't compete with that!
boomers were always around various chemicals growing up. you have to remember, lead paint was everywhere, in tools, toys, paint, etc. Then they also got sprayed with DDT. The rest of their lives was basically full on dunning kruger and continues to this present day.

We didn't have much choice in the matter, yet your generation vapes THC without any concern for the long term effects. Even in the short term it can have a profound effect on sperm count, which of course might well be a blessing in disguise.
boomers were always around various chemicals growing up. you have to remember, lead paint was everywhere, in tools, toys, paint, etc. Then they also got sprayed with DDT. The rest of their lives was basically full on dunning kruger and continues to this present day.

We didn't have much choice in the matter, yet your generation vapes THC without any concern for the long term effects. Even in the short term it can have a profound effect on sperm count, which of course might well be a blessing in disguise.
Opie, are all of your threads Shit Threads?
