Why are conservatives incapable of being good people?



Almost all scientists, all scientists of any note
All great artists
Even the two biggest businessmen in the world are Liberals. You guys can't even crank out robber barons properly anymore!


Ted Bundy

What is it about being a conservative that makes you guys incapable of having contributed a positive amount to the world by the time you've completed you're life? Why can't you be a good person? Why is it that the world is always worse off for you having continued to live your life?

Is there just something intrinsic aptitude that liberals have that makes me better human beings than you? Of course.
Did you see that? I'm not a human being. I'm human beings. I count myself as multiple people, just to show my how my greatness is equal to many of you.

And you probably thought it was a typo. How naive.
Did you see that? I'm not a human being. I'm human beings. I count myself as multiple people, just to show my how my greatness is equal to many of you.

And you probably thought it was a typo. How naive.

actually, based on the rest of the post, I just assumed you were on drugs......
repeating a big enough lie, often enough, may actually make it the truth. If Liberals can ignore actual history and keep preaching that hitler and stalin were conservatives, in a few decades we could actually see that in textbooks.

Almost all scientists, all scientists of any note
All great artists
Even the two biggest businessmen in the world are Liberals. You guys can't even crank out robber barons properly anymore!


Ted Bundy

What is it about being a conservative that makes you guys incapable of having contributed a positive amount to the world by the time you've completed you're life? Why can't you be a good person? Why is it that the world is always worse off for you having continued to live your life?

Is there just something intrinsic aptitude that liberals have that makes me better human beings than you? Of course.

It's an innate characteristic. That's why, in kindergarten and early grade school, children are taught to share. While there are a few exceptions where children willingly share most have to be taught and like all things that are taught some people do not learn. Added to that our society rewards those who do not share, those who amass fortunes by having continually taken from others, willingly or unwillingly.

The idea of pricing something acording to "what the market will bear" means the price has no relation to the effort involved in producing the item/service. That is exemplified in the saying, "knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing".
It's an innate characteristic. That's why, in kindergarten and early grade school, children are taught to share. While there are a few exceptions where children willingly share most have to be taught and like all things that are taught some people do not learn. Added to that our society rewards those who do not share, those who amass fortunes by having continually taken from others, willingly or unwillingly.

we call that indoctrination, or brainwashing. forcing conformity in the face of opposing human nature.
He's spent the day communing with his calculator and has lost the ability to communicate with humans.

Almost all scientists, all scientists of any note
All great artists
Even the two biggest businessmen in the world are Liberals. You guys can't even crank out robber barons properly anymore!


Ted Bundy

What is it about being a conservative that makes you guys incapable of having contributed a positive amount to the world by the time you've completed you're life? Why can't you be a good person? Why is it that the world is always worse off for you having continued to live your life?

Is there just something intrinsic aptitude that liberals have that makes me better human beings than you? Of course.
Cause it's good to be bad! :)
Its not that we can't, but we don't want to. We like seeing children aborted, or growing up without fathers, or getting a shitty education so that bad teachers can have jobs.
It's an innate characteristic. That's why, in kindergarten and early grade school, children are taught to share. While there are a few exceptions where children willingly share most have to be taught and like all things that are taught some people do not learn. Added to that our society rewards those who do not share, those who amass fortunes by having continually taken from others, willingly or unwillingly.

Did my post really deserve a serious reply?

The idea of pricing something acording to "what the market will bear" means the price has no relation to the effort involved in producing the item/service.

Uhmmm... yes it does.

The early socialists were as wrong as anyone can be in believe that the market was just some irrational cacophony. Sure, at the individual level, it may look as stupid as anything can be sometimes. But on a greater scale it has the property of emergence, of self-organizing into something far greater than any of its parts. "Rational" planning is just one of the ways in which we've accidentally gone backwards by knowing too much.
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Almost all scientists, all scientists of any note
All great artists
Even the two biggest businessmen in the world are Liberals. You guys can't even crank out robber barons properly anymore!


Ted Bundy

What is it about being a conservative that makes you guys incapable of having contributed a positive amount to the world by the time you've completed you're life? Why can't you be a good person? Why is it that the world is always worse off for you having continued to live your life?

Is there just something intrinsic aptitude that liberals have that makes me better human beings than you? Of course.

Though I do not agree with any conservative agenda I the thread title locks out those conservatives that are good people. They are not all Stalin etc. I think from a liberal prospective we find them rigid and unyielding in their desire to move backward in time. Conservative thought is not creative and it doesn't waxier even if faced with the fact that a policy is wrong. I will never agree with their politics but it does not make all of them mean.
Though I do not agree with any conservative agenda I the thread title locks out those conservatives that are good people. They are not all Stalin etc. I think from a liberal prospective we find them rigid and unyielding in their desire to move backward in time. Conservative thought is not creative and it doesn't waxier even if faced with the fact that a policy is wrong. I will never agree with their politics but it does not make all of them mean.
Tip #1: If a 'king' is talking about evil and conservatives in the same sentence, it is done for humor, not accuracy.
Yeah, I was about to put a comment on this thread a while back saying "LOL what if someone who didn't know me came on here and read this."

Then I forgot.